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Welcome to Dealazer’s music page, where you can find his latest and most unique tracks! Dealazer has been producing music since 2006 and has always strived to create music with a unique touch and high-quality sound. He has achieved different musical accomplishments, ranging from ambient techno to trance productions. Lately, he has been singing his own songs for different tracks and has released several albums.

To ensure the best sound quality, Dealazer uses fewer tools than most producers, and he avoids using easy-made sounds or plugins. He spends weeks tweaking his sounds, especially with a plugin called Sytrus, to create a unique listening experience. He also focuses on creating tracks with a chill and monologic setting, using fewer effects and production techniques.

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All of Dealazer’s tracks have a special finish and sound great on most audio systems. He specializes in mastering and ensures that there is no resonance in any of his tracks, and the bass levels are excellent. Many musicians would love to have the same sound system as him. Dealazer has also helped many artists as a big producer and owns the FL Studio Classroom group on Facebook with 50000 followers. Feel free to join the group if you want to improve your sound production skills.

If you are looking for something special, you will find many cool and unique tracks on Dealazer’s page. You can even purchase some of his collectibles and enjoy playing them on your home stereo or use them in your company’s app or movie.

Dealazer has resigned from using Soundcloud due to some issues with followers not increasing despite having proof of new followers each week. He also had issues with Twitter, Spotify, and iTunes in terms of receiving proper payments. He suggests not to trust artists with high rates but instead to trust those who have around 2000 followers and their music. He also advises not to comment on tracks with high play rates as they may be fake or not from real musicians.

In summary, Dealazer’s music is unique, high-quality, and worth listening to. You can follow him on different social accounts by clicking on the links provided.

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