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Book – BASIC

When we are basic, we are basic, simple enough. I hate ASIC makes me acid, like Tracid against. While being who I am, I am not who else I could be, but I believe that who else you are, you are?. Not basic as they are. Tho who take away your dreams can’t sleep because they don’t sleep for anything other than breaking dreams. And when they don’t sleep? They use something called the essence of life β€” taking away your…

Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…

Banana Peels Yummi – D-Vitamins & Serotonine & Magnesium

I remember having low D-Vitamin levels, and my life was terrible. My whole life stank, until my step to eating a Banana peel just for the test, I escaped the deep dungeon of real life. But then I discovered eating Banana Peels with a great discovery, and I’ve only sat left eating the machine of the Banana little to base taste, but that was the same as the heart of the Banana! But the whole adventure about that is eating underneath…

The sinking of Β«BlΓΌcherΒ»

From history, we know that there was one ship from the German forces that sunk around the night of April 8th, 1940 in Oslofjorden. What we don’t know is how they did sink that ship. Well, open-minded, you aren’t aware that a standard torpedo would not sink that powerful vessel. It might have been a whole different story if they posted about it in truth. Perhaps their latest equipment would disengage a torpedo. So BlΓΌcher was not a single easy target.…

How to save the world & the nature? If all did this, it would been awesome, and you’re great! CO2 isn’t dangerous but it will become!

If we all started someplace thinking about what we can do to contribute to greatness? Any likely politician can’t change? It’s not always them, but the tiny changes we make the world different, which we often, as consumers, do. And it’s not seldom told that the consumers always have the ultimate power. Remember how it went down for Myspace after changing their systems into useless peace of adventure β€”and never redesigning it to be the same as before. We, as consumers,…

Coronavirus for Dummies

Truth or false? Β  If you get the Vaccine, you are more able to infect others? If you are naturally vaccinated. OR perhaps use my vaccine? One cell of Corona. It’s free to produce with Norwegian Water and is super effective. Since you don’t die of one, but thousands or a hundred millions by just a sneeze. And yet vaccines do learn the immune system just what it doesn’t need to know. And that’s what we should do if we get…

How I Feel Today – Collection of Quotes to Learn

Often we deepen ourselves into just living. By living, we often reduce our chances to succeed in life. Often because other major essential things are to be done, perhaps this situation you are doing often occur by longly to a lousy extent way, so you will have to reconsider why you are doing what you are doing, several times even by reprogramming yourself even to allow yourself read a book or perhaps watch a motivational movie. Well, often, we are deepened…

My own Unique and Latest few Poems collection on my Twitter about Love and Future

Some of the collection, three is Fibonacci good, so three it will be, such indeed there are more than just a few there are dozen all forgotten, still not unleashed but always there to breath upon remarks of the past. Thi even time, but crucial, but hopes for the better to getting well better, keeping thee upon see. We might be who else we might try to be. So it’s you who need you to remember, though, that the bee is…

Short Story: Mad Doctor to patient with severe cancer cells – Cancer Treatment

There was one patient, waiting for that last day. Last days of his life. Like many with chemotherapy, it was. But the Mad Doctor had other plans. Patient lying in bed. Doctor: Gooday to you, sir; how’s your wonderful future? Patient: Well, you see, I’m dying? Doctor: Don’t wait any longer; we have a new treatment around! Patient: OH, I don’t believe you; I will anyway die… Doctor: Nurse, get him on cigarettes 20 daily; we want him to celebrate his…

What if everyone knew! Hva om alle visste! Super short story! Read meme!

First Norwegian, then English: Tenk om alle visste! JA de visste! De sΓ₯ dette her! Da om man tok en vanlig konsulent kalt nΓ₯ pleier, la han inn i 1 mΓ₯ned! Lukka pΓ₯ skjerming! Hva hadde skjedd? Uten telefon uten sosiale medier uten datamaskin Hadde fΓ₯tt brev og besΓΈksforbud. PΓ₯ en samma tid. MΓ₯tte ta en Zyprexa… Da hva? What if everyone knew! Yes, they knew! They saw this! Then what if we took one ordinary consultant name now tender, put…

I want more medication low dose! Hear how we can get people out of streets.

I need treatment! Everything is cool! But I don’t and need them, with my own feelings of life with my own medicine and all, I can survive with or without. The question is what I really now need. Anything would never happen since I use good medication, but it doesn’t give me that kick I need in life. Then addiction comes crawling upon me. It’s these as well, or nothing! Nothing in need. As in the face of change, there will…