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The sinking of «Blücher»

From history, we know that there was one ship from the German forces that sunk around the night of April 8th, 1940 in Oslofjorden. What we don’t know is how they did sink that ship. Well, open-minded, you aren’t aware that a standard torpedo would not sink that powerful vessel. It might have been a whole different story if they posted about it in truth. Perhaps their latest equipment would disengage a torpedo. So Blücher was not a single easy target.…

Hidden Secret of The Secret Society – Just another History in different view

Disclaimer: The artist of this document does not apprehend the use of characters. It’s solely written with a difference from real beliefs and may not contain appropriate sources, as well as it may be inconsistent work of just imagination and fantasy. Lowered IQ The world, laughter, and joy eventually became a day, month, and year. But undetermined by the fractals of what the microorganism that is maintained by dietary of even more dramatic overwork of a drug specially designed to co-operate…

Secret of interrogation – Police Proposition Work

You arrest someone for something, and it does not matter when it can be, in a year maybe, even after all has been settled down? Well, these times, we have a murder on the wall, we have an unsolved case. What you say does not mean they do the work, the days, the effort to have the briefing enough to retract to totalitarian of when people brake, when people realize they made a mistake big enough for a case. Well, you…

How I Feel Today – Collection of Quotes to Learn

Often we deepen ourselves into just living. By living, we often reduce our chances to succeed in life. Often because other major essential things are to be done, perhaps this situation you are doing often occur by longly to a lousy extent way, so you will have to reconsider why you are doing what you are doing, several times even by reprogramming yourself even to allow yourself read a book or perhaps watch a motivational movie. Well, often, we are deepened…

Breaking News Schizophrenia: Researchers have discovered the Genom of Immune System Deficiency

There is new research, and further research is wealth towards people with Schizophrenia! But it can have a different impact on indeed many more people out there — even the new news. But believe that there might be fake research on most particular medicines. You can’t even get the actual proposition to even drug-combination that could turn off the immune system in the brain. Indeed, drug companies do not fully want this to happen since their income comes first from the…

Viktor Schauberger – When water implodes it explodes, it might truly clean itself?

When we think of electricity it tries to catch it’s easiest way. It’s the totally opposite with water. These days no-one gets known for any of their grand discoveries so I would rather tell it and maybe let other person get away with telling it to the whole wide world exactly as I did. But yes, when water explodes as electricity explodes itself in water, water implodes. Water though does the opposite as exploding electricity  and it’s like imploding itself. So…

By what way should Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies do to improve?

By all cryptocurrency and by Bitcoin, you will attain a probability to even at the ends of its journey, give a mere decreased level of income for the miners, making it in particular not entirely attractive as it would have been from the beginning. But as far now the increased rate as even with currencies like Pi, we encounter difference where miners are attaining a program like perhaps a coin where the mining operation is mere essential and does not need…

New Videos of me Singing Live! Greatest Hits! Super Music Video of All! See them here!

Ultimate collection to share around! Unique vibe! Unique Feel and great music! DEA Lazer all on Youtube! Music 100% Freestyle Improvisement!       SHARE SHARE SHARE!

Talk with SpaceTravelers from Jupiter – Castles in the Sky – Future – MindTalk – Mind – Non-Aliens – Visitors – Help Them – Speak

I’ve released a particular project where you can talk with space travelers from Jupiter. These people are ready to speak with you, and they will do anything they can to convince you to do good and save the earth from mass hypnosis. That there are aliens from space. They warn you about Aliens in the water. It will be horrible to attack land. And there is a planet of Apes where they are heading towards us. To fight us, and the…

Coins, coins, coins and their equal value in modern community

When this idea sparks around hefty, you’ll be able to use it as modern currency. It’s not easy to imagine the thing if you aren’t given the solution to this opportunity. Imagine that the whole world would love them and use them. Imagine how much you could get from this procedure when all is using it, and all banks do not much be more than the people who have chests full of them. Indeed they would become the bank which has…

ABB still in hypnosis? Not the actual murderer? 22nd July

That there is this to tell, have you ever heard the actual case where Anders Behring Breivik, like him we call ABB, didn’t write the manifest? That writing was a stubborn copy of Unabomber. If ABB were who he said, he would use several years to perfect it. I believe 22th July 2010 was an inside job. Not only that ABB is set to a state of military grade hypnosis in which him still now is in. So calm so wonderful…