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Modern Communism and Practices by DEA

Why should we seek a new type of governmental rule? Why it’s it is merely because Churchill once said, democracy is the best we can have now, but not the best in the future. He meant that communism wasn’t the further best. So by this, we open ourselves to try to attain a different course of governmental rule. Still, it has to survive either being abused, or governmental power would cause it never to exist, as it is with communism as…

God who’s he – The Tale

God is somehow personally at you. He is even further in the future at you… But if God used his time since 100 billion years ago. So he tempered with inner illusions when he was born as well to this universe. The mind shouldn’t exist. God has as well had a start? Not perfect? And no one talks about it. My Goddess, who is in the girl and the God in the man. It’s what what what. In a… Seriously if…

Poem: Sometimes Love hurt

Sometimes Love hurt Sometimes love hurts When sometimes somebody leaves love for some other love, it’s the main reason why love hurts because it doesn’t start. It gave me reasons to look another way and have fate in love to be loved, they told me that they would be together forever in love that grooved, but they found the exit easier than to exist together forever. love hurts, what do we get to do to make the love be loved whenever.…