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Knowledge: The History – The Perfect Muslim

What I’ve sought in Muslims isn’t the same as trying to find and explore non-believers to undo their wrongdoing.

However, the Muslims are strong in tomorrow’s rules with a strong belief in God.

Still, they are somehow entitled to much grief by its proceeding by having a too strong faith belief and knowledge that through centuries been garnished towards being too little respectful of even God.

They’re also actually some that might have strict rules or laws as Bruce Lee told, most people if they believe in something supposedly good. Still, at least there are laws, people often aren’t free, freedom comes, and being critical to self-beliefs and when some laws do inevitably tend to distance people from real life.

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Where often, perhaps marriage between two people ends up in several weddings, and there are laws that people follow that give them the pass to use the laws.

Rather than logical thinking would repeal their use of several laws that distance people out of the origin of God’s real laws, love is though the most powerful in any religion.

Even that is to be understood as the more you are allowed to destroy the love, and you are slowly allowed to do sins. In a later time of life, when education and understanding come to you, you will most likely understand some wrong things about mostly anything.

Critical thinking is the source of freedom, even in this world, so for most, you need to create your laws, perhaps. Strictly enough, you might think it will survive in this world for millions of years.

And thinking further into the future about the laws that others put in your living day, perhaps the religion you follow. Most would follow their faith, but most will create their own belief. The more you are forced to suffer or do greedy breaks of laws, the more you do not cherish life?

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Below is a picture of Brasilboy on Norwegian “Brasilgutten” photography made by me some years ago in a friend’s house; the painting was burned in the past as the house with the painting burned down. This understanding is just to let you think differently about this letter and catch the viewers’ eyes to read more.

The Twenty Commandments

You might not hear much of Moses, who went up a hill to form the ten commandments. But it was twenty. Because of these laws’ creation, people were strictly forced to become either slave to God or couldn’t do what they sought to do.

For the most, they hated the ten other new commandments, so they destroyed one of the two stone plates with the special additional rules for their everyday life.

With these rules, they oathed it to be delirium and significant penalty to their experience in presence in such a way they couldn’t do anything.

Therefore they had furious anger and destroyed just the one plate with the new laws. Even history tells all wrong about this, and the ten commandments couldn’t be living in our world if they become destroyed.

No, they hated the other plate, so they destroyed it; that’s perhaps why this was how it went. For people who know this, some might have looked at the movies that went on the TV screen in the 1980s and 1990s.

The film told that they destroyed just one plate. So, after all, Satan lived long in this world. Now he tries to repair it? Unless these movies were long ago banned, or at least never sought even a DVD version or replayed on TV.

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The rules aren’t hard to understand and would give us a much better world today. But it’s the same, and people would be furious because of them. Here is an example of ten extra new commandments.

1. Do not have sex before marriage.
2. No suicide.
3. Do not marry more than once in life.
4. No love of the same sex.
5. Don’t write papers or law’s to kill others.
6. Don’t push yourself too much.
7. Don’t make a loan that you can’t get back.
8. Don’t destroy the environment.
9. Don’t sell sex.
10. Don’t publicize what is opposed to weakness.

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So due to these near-like laws, people were furious anger. They destroyed what was left for it to disappear into our time and never actually be remembered.

These laws either one person on this globe can refrain from learning, and it’s not by what you try to read that I’ve written, it’s by how you would write ten new commandments on your own.

So try to write the new ten commandments for yourself? Do you feel what you see in the future distance, 1 million years beyond, and see what laws would survive within a Utopian World?

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History of Past

Muslims of excellent knowledge should have seen this as legality that this was the most suitable belief to the past about twenty commandments. Because the truth always shines better than lies.

And Muslims oath to know all knowledge of what was before the time of Jesus; even probably Moses is a greater prophet to Muslims. But he is truly my favorite.

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The Movie: Muhammed: Messenger of God

If you’ve seen the movie Muhammed: Messenger of God, you would see an exciting story that has sought to be eradicated and hidden from the world as the content of importance.

It’s a movie of up to 2-3 hours covering how Muslims helped Christians in their survival by protecting them from other religions as if they were in alliance.

As well as in fact, they had the choice of total annihilation of Christians, which they didn’t fulfill, in their path, because they saved the Christians from other religions.

So people merely lived in peace for centuries since Mohammed formed the doctrinal religion of belief. Even today, Christians should cherish Muslims for allowing their faith to exist.

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Satan Fooled

For Muslims, even Moses was a prophet, but as well Jesus was a prophet, yet most people don’t know that. So Satan was indeed a good existence since most Muslims like me myself believe that God had other plans in hand than just letting Satan rule it all.

Then eventually, Satan did all his ideas accordingly to God 99% perfect as God wanted, which means God fooled Satan into believing he did the wrongdoing.

A true story would say God interpreted Satan to truly stand against himself in a way only he could make the suffering upon earth. Thus giving and granting us people the knowledge to never harm or do evil acts upon all living.

The significantly who were left as 1% with great misery upon the earth and the people were performing higher-level sins, so let’s hope and beg for their lives to be of the great and that they genuinely will not live in grief but have repaired their life to the better.

play fool quote

Satan in Our World

So when we speak about the Quran, we talk about differences to somehow Satan wasn’t able to fulfill his powers, but for some and most of the Christian people would, by taking a hand on the Quran, by reading it on a random page, believe Satan powerfully wrote it.

As a reference, I have stated in earlier storytelling on my site about a time traveler that took the world with his hands and power to rule them all, well performed in my track called Expotania.

The ruler might have been all the people like Leonardo Da Vinci and even Nicola Tesla and Michelangelo. Genuinely trying to fool the world’s people and attending himself as a pope of darkness.

He might also have the power to resurrect from the dead several times to become an old child if he sought it possible to relive his life again and again.

Who it might be, might history tell. But somehow, when this person lives his years, he might be evil or at least leave the evil plans. In the Bible, there is a telling by Job that there were two bottles Jesus had gotten, one to live an eternal life and another never to thirst. So what if Jesus did that?

Open Random Page

Upon opening Quaran in the middle of a random place, sometimes where God follows your hand, you can open up to maybe essential writing to your own belief. It’s the same with a Bible.

If you seek to believe in the opposite, you will become granted perhaps the gift of life which sends you through shaking hell, or just in a matter of the way to create an experience of promises for yourself.

quote on accidently

Quran to Mystically Survive

But Quran is mere as written in codes in different scriptures after time. And what to cherish and abide is written opposite as if you have to kill means you do not kill or perhaps wrongly let them die.

You don’t need to stone a person or beat lashes at his neck. Simple as that, there was never an easy way for God in a troublesome way to say the opposite not to do. We’ve in this world been with nukes, and the world would already become bombed to liberation, and a fraction of a small fault would sentence the world to its knee.

So words written in the Quran could precisely prevent a world of disaster, and people wouldn’t even believe in the Quran if one wrong writing was in one single sentence.

People want to learn about God and all things, but if ever written Quran was too polite, it would never survive since it would be too good that Christians would annihilate Islam from the map as if it was an overlord to Christianity.

Spoken right, someone wrote the words for pure survival, but the interpretation always needs to be learned opposite in certain writings.

And only a healthy person would know what is right and wrong. To that if Quran was written to be polite?

Wouldn’t it survive anywhere at this time since it would be too good? But was written the opposite?

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So If wrongly written laws are genuinely wrong, it’s not up to the person to abide it wrong. It tells the truth itself to not do. But for an educated Muslim, it takes many years to educate himself. A Muslim, in my eyes, is, by any means, suffering.

It’s a religion of suffering. It’s the endless path of suffering, pain, and dedication to knowledge. And it’s never that for sure that one Muslim is sufficiently educated.

Therefore, Muslims don’t have the same rights in life or shouldn’t be outside and have fun. It’s a lifelong sentence to abide by God to at least not sin. Have less and be clean.

To learn all knowledge of all written books to the librarian selling books of wonders in Bagdad of Iraq and never had a bomb fall on his roof. It was shed a miracle to his house. But knowledge is the key. And that is by means the only way to God.

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Destroyed Books.

The filth, the unclean, the destroyers, and evil are trying to destroy books, burn books, plenish too evil acts not to allow you to read what even these written words written towards your knownness. Reading a book is not by its cover. It would be best if you read it.

It’s by its content what you will read, and often, a good book is sold for pennies. Either way, you will have to read more to understand more, and sometimes you might wonder why of all it was written to you if you randomly open a book.


But yes, cleanness is the most important thing for a Muslim. If you don’t wash, you might want to ask yourself if you are a Muslim. A Muslim isn’t forcibly become not to be a Muslim. He isn’t allowed to convert to another type of religion.

But then again, he must ask himself if he is a Muslim if he does not follow up on knowledge and education? Because for a weak person, he is forcing himself to beg God and use up his precious time on this planet.

He is then praying towards a place. But in fact, is he a Muslim? When he has beliefs which himself strict upon himself of trying to abide God?

Is he a Muslim when he does not follow the right path in his life but works telepathically with God, waiting for a miracle to happen?

And isn’t using time and effort to learn what most would do? What would most do?

When was it allowed by God? If a Muslim knew he would use his time not beg God for 20 years, but finally, when he was at the doorstep of his success, he would do? What is success & victory?

That he, as well as Muslim, healed the world for wrongdoing? To the best of my belief, you do not beg to God for yourself; it’s outmost outrageous dumb; you pray for other’s health and their enemy’s friendship and others in such a case.

Your ego for your health is the least needed to pray for; it’s another person’s success you most likely would want to see. And healing of the world is most important.

But you need to take your first foot beyond the doorstep and then perhaps understand how well you loved others and behaved? That is that mostly all matter.

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Losing Yourself


So what is one believer? If no longer Muslim. And to whom didn’t convert but was a Muslim? A part of a society that holds their now decreasing majority of ancestors who lose the Muslim mark and trust in themselves.

To become just some of the worst of a being who does not obey God or the laws of the real? It is genuinely not said that if you aren’t Muslim, what are you then?

Someone else who lost their faith?

Difference Between Religions is Not Significant

The difference between other religions isn’t significant. But your ancestors should have made you into clerics to teach religion on all religions and faiths, and the mark of a Muslim is genuinely just given few. And they are the people of the world.

Who should learn Christianity, Jewish, Mormon, Buddha, and even Taoism and all that is available of all religions? It’s not that you convert to other religions.

Your mission is to learn them all, as all Muslims should do. That makes you the ultimate, and the ultimate eventually final is what God wants, not a mere pure Muslim. Nothing to brag about or even tell the world how you abide? It is about creating yourself with the utmost knowledge.

If you thought someone could teach a young guy to never sin before filling 18? Well, Muslims are well as educators of the world, not just a bunch of people who do not attend to anything?

If you never learn anything, become a teacher if you listen to some preachers or even people who talk out loud. You gain 10% of all their knowledge.

But then they become true Muslims and not you. They are the teachers, and there are just a few of them. But the rest tend to become something, but the path of the teachers is the right path.

And surely it’s best to teach others than hunt for glory and profit. Most people tend to live in this world longer if they show others the realness of life; they understand certain things that even cancer would even bite. That all misery is going to glory at some point.

If you learn about all religions? What happens then? You end up knowing the most. You start being near one of the eclectic people who know to seek the Goddess in their belief.

To whom was in all religions never mentioned. The craving for understanding in the Goddess starts the first moment of being unable to render who isn’t for you most holy. But as well, girls have a Goddess and men? A God? Well, it’s reasonable that a man can’t read the women’s mind.

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God for Men, Goddess for Women

We don’t find nearly a single word Goddess somewhere. It is but does not describe that well in the Bible. Even in Qur’an, there is no telling of women besides mentioning them not well. So we end up disbelieving the essential aspect of life to worship Goddess as women should be as God is for the men.

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Fear of Knowing the Mind

God might foresee that a woman’s mind could have obliterated him if he knew a woman’s mind out of existence. And thought to a woman is critical thinking to stay with only the Goddess.

There are, in my belief, three essential sentences that men can’t know about women, and so do women about men.

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Why Doctrines Exist

Cleanness is most important, never to get yourself sick to get disbelief about any other problem. Muslims were taught Mohammed to stop eating swine only because it poisoned the military’s mind, and the people around them got mental issues.

And yet, at that time, it was giving mental health issues as they were eating raw meat when they didn’t know how to cook as most didn’t even cook their food.

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Why We Are Following Oldness

In the meantime, Mohammed cleansed their warriors between Ramadan. To make them secure for a fight. At that moment, Muslims were to fight barbarians at most.

But also to achieve territories. But the belief that the military surely couldn’t be forgotten wasn’t the only thing in the world at the beginning. All other religions were like barbarians to any religion from the time when Jesus was.

Time after, people often became angry with others, as we now are in other meaning in this future.

We don’t need to fight wars and endless fights to protect ourselves against unknownness and be super healthy. Mohammed protected the Muslims against unknowns that others had who would danger the nation. So if it were today, the military would have been forbidden by Mohammed.

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Cleanness is the most important, just not because you have to focus on teaching yourself, but at most, your tension between focusing and educating is the most important.

So doing yourself an essential washing is genuinely one of the vital things that cleanse you from attaining mental health issues. Not only though since eating healthy is the second most important.

And the third last thing is having youthful stamina and exercising efficiently for your own body. Suppose you do not know how to go down in weight. Follow this tutorial:



Wearing a thing on the head makes a man grieve if he tries to prophesize. No one is allowed to make prophetic statements with a hat on. Unless he wouldn’t be aware, telling the truth as the head is not available to God.

To that, just a few greatly prophesize with their inner cleanness in their hearth, so few that the world needs the knowledge to win over stupidity, and people who foolishly trick others into something that isn’t at all good. To even be rich or at least with the power to focus people the wrong way.

The Future

The majority of people do as well prophesize by a ghost filling any person by Godly proportions, and it’s often great to listen to the moments as if these moments hit the people who are around more precisely. But for most daily life goes as nothing happened.

And there is a promise that righteousness will fall on people and the lands whom these events will form themselves of as soon the acknowledgment and education to the knowledge is more fit to the people to lead the world into the greater.

So what is a perfect Muslim? Is it Clean and full of knowledge? Unless a miracle would happen to turn a stone into a flower, the future youth. Most people aren’t more comfortable than just being someone unchangeable than the child who does not need a change of learned already, right.

Commitment? A Muslim with responsibilities?

Look at this perfect #quote:
“Quotes are personalized to you by God; read everything you can find. Twitter is the best source for all the best #quotes!”

quote stop doing wrong


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So I've learned from Dealazer that being a good Believer and without faith nothing is possible. Surely it's meant to say special things Click To Tweet


The greatest movement will be done by vocalization of the great knowledge one can get. Musical interest in unknown artists is so low that most fail being them.

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