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Learn to Accept Yourself – The Behaviour Change?

Learning to become a better person, especially in psychiatry, isn’t an easy way out of the problems. Often it’s the environment of being still the same, being the same, doing the same. Then expecting any solution to do the same would be like putting flame on insanity. Towards the future, you might want to increase your fulfillment as a person and accept that you can do something while assuming you can’t do anything unless there is a helping hand out there…

The sinking of ยซBlรผcherยป

From history, we know that there was one ship from the German forces that sunk around the night of April 8th, 1940 in Oslofjorden. What we don’t know is how they did sink that ship. Well, open-minded, you aren’t aware that a standard torpedo would not sink that powerful vessel. It might have been a whole different story if they posted about it in truth. Perhaps their latest equipment would disengage a torpedo. So Blรผcher was not a single easy target.…

Psychiatric treatment in the next 10 years, and also future psychosis

My Simple Case It is brutal how the system in Norway has been subject to laws and regulations that are not followed in the sense required. It made brutal mistakes on psychiatric patients in far too many years when you could barely breathe in how sick it was. How the laws are interpreted even within and outside the court; I have been on the judgment of compulsory psychiatric treatment for over twenty years when I startled a neighbor who nearly died…

Aluminium – Live your day as it perhaps would be your last

Aluminum? World’s most feared metal. Not as all feared and filled with news about lies to get Alzheimer’s. Look, perhaps this is inherent wisdom? https://www.winchesterhospital.org/health-library/article?id=164929 The research above does describe the intake as perhaps you would find here is only a few milligrams, not even 10mg. But the above study is explained by high-level information. Small input is often through food since it is often in nature, not as aluminum but as a mineral with lower aluminum value. Minerals Mineral healthy…

Knowledge: The History – The Perfect Muslim

What I’ve sought in Muslims isn’t the same as trying to find and explore non-believers to undo their wrongdoing. However, the Muslims are strong in tomorrow’s rules with a strong belief in God. Still, they are somehow entitled to much grief by its proceeding by having a too strong faith belief and knowledge that through centuries been garnished towards being too little respectful of even God. They’re also actually some that might have strict rules or laws as Bruce Lee told,…

Dj Dealazer – Oldschool Unknown Uniqueness Mixes by 3 hours! Superb Cool Music! Mint Tracks!

New Mix out on Hearthis! This time the hottest of it all! Oldschool Superiority! These mixes were some of the popular. These Dj mixes consisted of music unknown to mostly all. The tracks been manipulated creating several interesting parts of the music. Been working hard for these accomplishments, the sound of delivery! The progressive of the ultimate. They are a super unique and cool vibe! Have betterment of the bass and are unique with stereo effects and the tracks played for…

Gallery – The Godly Pictures

When I published this gallery the same day, I took it, amazed. This been a long journey through the place Konglungen to Spirebukta and then to Vettre around Thon Hotel. So it took a trip of 6-8km through the woods. I started taking pictures of a few of them but couldn’t stop that much as the people I went with were furious about too much time spent on this. Anyway was able to get incredible shots of unique pictures. These are…

Dealazer Live with RS7000 – Techno all Night Long.

Was live Sunday 14/06/2020 on the global network, just one person into it. Nothing as usual. Wasn’t planned wasn’t promoted, just straight into it. Played on the synth watch it here, the whole clip I play on RS7000, it’s quite a unique session and I would want to find many new ways to come along with a new beat new track. It’s played around for 45 minutes. A bit long song you might say. Anyway if anyone is interested in some…

Found Alien Book – Unique Chance to See Something Some Hide

Edit 2020 – June 17th. The book has been flagged on windows, and you cannot extract it from the zip file. See for yourself. It would help if you had at least 7zip, but you can’t even extract it either there unless you edit. Time Travelers left it anyway here. Found a folder I’ve had created. The Holy book of 63MB is nearly 64MB! 1000’s of pages. The whole book isn’t searchable. It means words are written, just different. You need…

Then I said to them – Short Poem

You who choose your wives to many. Isn’t it a little unfair to the God you do not associate with? If so, everyone knew this tucked away from a jungle of … The way forward is to master problems and take them as a challenge without saying anything further than excuse me, friend, you are near me, when you take advantage of the fact that the world is small and at the same time big? You have to weigh your ways…

Modern Communism and Practices by DEA

Why should we seek a new type of governmental rule? Why it’s it is merely because Churchill once said, democracy is the best we can have now, but not the best in the future. He meant that communism wasn’t the further best. So by this, we open ourselves to try to attain a different course of governmental rule. Still, it has to survive either being abused, or governmental power would cause it never to exist, as it is with communism as…

Poem: Sometimes Love hurt

Sometimes Love hurt Sometimes love hurts When sometimes somebody leaves love for some other love, it’s the main reason why love hurts because it doesn’t start. It gave me reasons to look another way and have fate in love to be loved, they told me that they would be together forever in love that grooved, but they found the exit easier than to exist together forever. love hurts, what do we get to do to make the love be loved whenever.…

Breaking News Schizophrenia: Researchers have discovered the Genom of Immune System Deficiency

There is new research, and further research is wealth towards people with Schizophrenia! But it can have a different impact on indeed many more people out there โ€” even the new news. But believe that there might be fake research on most particular medicines. You can’t even get the actual proposition to even drug-combination that could turn off the immune system in the brain. Indeed, drug companies do not fully want this to happen since their income comes first from the…

Story told:! Talk a Talk about Wrath! Doing the time, Eductation is needed! Future of time! It’s time! Satan Killed!

The psychiatric doctor that graduated from college with her funny look. Being a doctor of funny dumpster. She did not like to hear about some medicine I want to have to make me enjoy my life, like hell wrong about taking even drugs. She only wants to put me on medication “high values,” and these values are the problems. But in fact, Pherperazine and Quentiapin Depot tablets are the cure to Schizophrenia and the treatment I needed! Pherperazine “Trilafon” 108.2mg/ml each…

I want more medication low dose! Hear how we can get people out of streets.

I need treatment! Everything is cool! But I don’t and need them, with my own feelings of life with my own medicine and all, I can survive with or without. The question is what I really now need. Anything would never happen since I use good medication, but it doesn’t give me that kick I need in life. Then addiction comes crawling upon me. It’s these as well, or nothing! Nothing in need. As in the face of change, there will…

Book – BASIC

When we are basic, we are basic, simple enough. I hate ASIC makes me acid, like Tracid against. While being who I am, I am not who else I could be, but I believe that who else you are, you are?. Not basic as they are. Tho who take away your dreams can’t sleep because they don’t sleep for anything other than breaking dreams. And when they don’t sleep? They use something called the essence of life โ€” taking away your…

Silver Wonderous – .flp Download Complex huge Project with a lot Progression

ONLY FOR FL 20+! This is one of these huge projects that I was making, and it’s Wonder Trance in a try to make it as long as possible. With progression all the way to the end. Sweet as hell. Took me long time at least. Some wakeness days… With most of my own vocal effect samples and one-shot samples, this track actually became something beyond imagination. With only FL Studio Native plugins used, it also was super devotion to making…

Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite – Unknown Military Science of Parasite Brain Malfunction Disorder

Writings about the Queen is just a hypothetical talk about the sewer ant parasite. What you understand does not mean it’s true. It can mean anything. But it’s more like a hypothesis on the Queen of illnesses. Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite Joga As we might come to conclusions, there remain mysteries about the unbalance in the brain system. What causes these unbalanced, mainly described as ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Parkinsonism to Parkinson’s might turn the page in psychiatry to discovering the…

Talk with SpaceTravelers from Jupiter – Castles in the Sky – Future – MindTalk – Mind – Non-Aliens – Visitors – Help Them – Speak

I’ve released a particular project where you can talk with space travelers from Jupiter. These people are ready to speak with you, and they will do anything they can to convince you to do good and save the earth from mass hypnosis. That there are aliens from space. They warn you about Aliens in the water. It will be horrible to attack land. And there is a planet of Apes where they are heading towards us. To fight us, and the…

Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…