How to save the world & the nature? If all did this, it would been awesome, and you’re great! CO2 isn’t dangerous but it will become!

If we all started someplace thinking about what we can do to contribute to greatness? Any likely politician can’t change?

It’s not always them, but the tiny changes we make the world different, which we often, as consumers, do.

And it’s not seldom told that the consumers always have the ultimate power.

Remember how it went down for Myspace after changing their systems into useless peace of adventure β€”and never redesigning it to be the same as before.

We, as consumers, make the choices others need to change about since if they continue, it might stop at some point.

Politicians are big fat liars; they only listen to low identity activists like Greta Thunberg, though she does not have a vision or even know her dreams of looking like she was too young and too little educated.

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Perhaps you have plenty of these politicians in your country. You are seeking only to warn them even to start a process to make insane taxation of all grocery store plastic, metal, and glass. And to extend the tax to even a dollar for each ounce or even a package by grams. That would tip the iceberg of today.

Communication that we need to ask beg and even communicate with politicians who might read our email or pick up the phone. Each minute counts since we throw garbage into the sea more than a skyscraper each minute, from Marrocco to South Africa, from Brazil to the tip of Chile.

Send an inquiry. Any way you would like to send them an inquiry to do that. But they won’t listen to you? First, you need to be like Michael Jackson in a standoff for something good.

And then politicians might listen to you, I’ve sent five letters inquiries about this taxation of all grocery store food packages, but nothing happened last two years. Nothing. Not even a reply. That’s because I wasn’t important enough. Yet the department got full bucket ideas.

Change your life set. If we as consumers would change our minds about our daily routines? Often, these small things do have a futuristic outcome.

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Perhaps you would stop eating land-based meat? I did in case of fear of industrialism and fears about what meat can contain. Today it contains parasites, fungus, and bacteria, even antibiotics.

And the industry seldom makes a steak smelly as it yet has substances to avoid smelly old steak and materials to maintain a low-level bacteria level. Some also thrive in this.

But of course, some of the contents make the world better, so you don’t throw that much food. So always buy something with an excellent extended date, perhaps?

Become a Vegetarian Fish Lover, a pescetarian. So by this, we would tell you two of the worst people in the world. They are vegans and omnivores. And in the middle, you have fish and dairy products eating vegetarians.

I don’t fully know what the right name is for them. But a fish that soaks for breathing air. In its revelation to live above the ground. While it takes its last breath?

That’s giving life to a fish? You provide it with experience by taking it out of the ocean to live above sea level. It’s the same as capturing insects for food, and they, of course, were meant to have a short life span.

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By Eating Insects, they are the smallest living creatures, and of course, they are happy being caught as they are not few. They are many, many millions. And a million small is great since few often bring with them plagues and illnesses.

Eating insects would be a future for most because it is less different than we believe, higher being animals that tend to have an IQ.

Imagine Would you eat a speaking swine? One who would say to you, I love you. Eating a pig is perhaps the same as eating an ape. But in fact, we fear eating apes as they are in close relation to our own bodies.

But the swine is perhaps more related to us, but it can’t speak as the apes with their natural voices and is, of course, not correspondingly like us by walking like us.

Natural, by any means, we would be eating meat, which isn’t only bad. I can tell you a true story about people. You might always wonder how African people might not even have money for toothpaste.

They were shown on television as if they had white teeth in a developing country with no toothbrushes. Perhaps they never had any money for toothpaste.

Food even was scarce. They didn’t put their teeth to meat! Yeah, all they had was nearly just spinach. And wheat. And most probably not a cow which they could kill. Simply because the cow produces essential milk, and they don’t kill the holy cows as we suppose.

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Like in India. So by that, they even had white teeth. Only then to realize that someone can use the cow to give us milk as a gift. Not as being a tool to be killed or slaughtered for other food discoveries.

Though some could, in their last days of life, if we knew that the cow would die in a few years, as they do in Mongolia, if the horse is wounded and will feel pain, they kill the horse for slaughter to at least eat meat.

So you would be sparing much money on avoiding buying toothpaste; you might have a healthier mouth if you sought to eat less meat, it fills the holes in your mouth, and even bacteria thrive.

Yeah, think of the plastic wrapped around the paste. And also, you were throwing it into the garbage and starting mere different proceedings of what industrial society did do to the world.

Everything is our century wrapped in plastic that you buy. You might want to listen to some of my tracks telling fuck it about that:

The Extra Godly Gifts. So why are vegans bad? Well, most have already learned it.

Because they eat all of the foods that are spared for the most reasonable, land-eating omnivores are also bad because they eat the food we should spare because of humanity and understanding that life is life.

Are animals meant to give us gifts? These are extra plenty, as with a cow, the milk, and a chicken the eggs.

An Alternative as Diary Food. So it’s the same specifics about vegetarians if you decide on dairy food. What’s perfect for our society are eggs. You don’t need the cow killed.

You don’t need to kill chickens! Simply because they give us the extra gifts merely to give us a little extra for their survival. And the plus is like a gift to us.

Unless then, the trillion-dollar business of making cheese needs to exist, and without everything, there would be drug addicts everywhere. Cheese is good, and it’s one of the most prestigious companies that the world has. It’s bigger than any other market if we think it’s important.

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The Godly Gifts Do eat dairy foods; you were born to do that; at least God created us to harvest the extra available food. And it is so essential for the future.

The old industry is making it with millions of fragrances as it does make important what vegans are destroying by the belief that the extra gift that God put on this Earth should not allow us to forget to become used.

No Kill No Kill Cow. By keeping your future only to promote no killing of cows and chickens, we might be ahead of something cool like reducing producing effort with slaughter, which is a complainable business.

Intelligent Lifeform. Maybe there would be a civilization that treated cows as equal to humans? That their life was extraordinary. It would be simple if the cow could speak. And tell the world how much you would love it to live long and deliver only milk to us.

It would be its choice to talk if it only could speak to us. Maybe some cows do? If they thought to speak or signalize as the elephants do by making a drawing on a painting. If you saw an elephant draw an art?

Story of Stories. But there was once a pig who lived long. The pig eventually escaped the slaughterhouse route as the pig knew that the pig would stay in a slaughterhouse.

So the pig did swim over the Oslofjord. Mainly because he felt it was his last days and last day at being killed. So he ran away from the path of slaughter.

So he lived happily ever after as he became a holy pig. No one wanted to slaughter the courageous pig.

So he died his old days being in the fields. He used a whole day to swim over the island to another area, where he was found several days after. Several people speak about this true story in DrΓΈbak, Norway.

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Customer Vibe. There are other means of why and how we save the earth. It’s not very few ways. But your customer improvement might be to buy less of the food we wrap with plastic.

Now totally, we have around 10% of all people in the grocery store who buy the food, and eventually, the only needed food is also well less packaged with plastic, metal, or glass.

They choose most don’t and are thinking of what to buy and not to buy. The lesser the package wrapped in an industrialized way, the more sales these products have.

And they are increasing in guaranteed income as far no producer did know about since they are afraid of a change. They even don’t empty the holes in their packages.

Recycling. Did you know that a certain level of people even buy hermetic and jars of glass unless they are truly capable of recycling both of them in the nearest place around their house in the green recycling stations?

They often don’t buy food packed in plastic. Some now do. But only If they can recover 100% of the plastic.

And some do that, the pickup of plastic is often scarce, and you have selected collecting vehicles for that, and some throw garbage to the wrong bin when at pickup.

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Throwing Garbage Right. All you would do is throw all your garbage 100% right because I thought this way about 10-20 years ago.

My Karma to life generally improved more than many other people. But in fact, being strict and having the capacity to tell others these things would work in existence for some increased chances of winning in the lotteries.

And I did win at the casino simply because I cared about most things in my life. And I never fell into debt! I believe that love will come by making love to the world and others.

Mascott. So by changing your daily routine, which you most likely should do. Is by taking care of vegetarian gifts. Not throwing anything into the wild and taking care of the ocean.

Pick up garbage. Even that is hard. But who many thought they would be thinking the same as you at the age of 20? Well, many older people clean up after dumb people.

I don’t see that young people would make a difference unless they are told to clean and make up for themselves. We had “BlekkUlf,” the “Octopus Ink in the old times.” He taught children to have a clean environment.

And he was significant in the ’80s even after Norway became the most significant country to think green and solutions to have a clean environment.

So it stayed for years this vital thing about BlekkUlf. And he taught all to keep the treasure of the situation without polluting the Earth.

Maybe that’s as well why specific ways Norway became as well the most promising country to preserve its environment to secure its controlled nature and laws as well become made to prevent pollution.

Back to Old Days. As you would believe, everything is going for the worse. Yes, it does. No one has learned anymore some of the old. And children today are confused when looking at the same new things that come out.

And never watch an excellent old comic or Cartoon Network with the same useful information to keep the environment clean. You don’t find scientific research on TV for the kids and everything that would keep the world saved!

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The Real Threat. The right thing about our planet now is the death of forest acres, seawater with higher levels of plastic, drinking water contamination, chemical disposal, radioactivity, the extinction of animals, GMOs, chemicals in agriculture, windmills killing wildlife, city expansions that are the real CO2!

Ecological Agriculture. You might even think that ecological agriculture is bullshit! Yeah, it may be because Jara, with its fertilizer production for the output, is the same good as even without.

Without you, do produce less and have a problem with your farm. But indeed, what essentially is to change out the type of wheat the variety of greens you plant on your farm to have less threat of any insect. That is the most significant killing of everything out there.

And by killing insects with pesticides, you as well kill the people who eat them, and there wasn’t even a single pesticide since the start, which was genuinely non-toxic to the environment and the soil.

So anyway, the cost to produce Nitrogen Fertilizers is in the right way, and most likely, it’s not dependable that much towards keeping the soil functional. And even its use of it is more critical than any pesticide. Since often we forget good things and make too many rules, especially ecological agriculture.

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Fertilizer. Though nitrogen fertilizer is most likely prooved to be healthy for the environment, if we now stopped the production, all the life in the sea would die out.

So it’s the same threat we can fear of reducing high levels of CO2 as it might be by fear of CO2, which isn’t the most prominent problem as pollution killing animal and plant life.

Just single disposal of certain chemicals can destroy acres of soil and earth and even never give experience to any being for centuries. That’s why even pesticide isn’t good for any soil in the world.

You have to invent a typical way to make animals lick off your plants, the insects on the field, as the Ladybird would do, and this animal as something else than an insect is near Extinction.

You see the Ladybird on this post pictures that I’ve made for you to share. But last I’ve seen a Ladybird when it was sunburned, very pity experience. And the use of chemicals reduces the Ozon layer. And that’s even much worse than some CO2.

Teach Others. Lose yourself in the moment, let others genuinely believe in the fullness of creating a better world as a customer, the more you teach others to become something in their life by appreciating the experience and nature.

And someone can do more than just several screams at politicians who honestly never do a change as overspoken by talented people. They only care to speak together as an idea. You and I, as mere regulars, wouldn’t get a chance for changes.

Todays Problems. So why isn’t CO2 dangerous, but will it become? I repeat it, and the plants grew bigger and broader in the forests where the world didn’t diminish.

The plants grow bigger and taller, but the ocean is an even bigger oxygen producer. There were never any different ways to monitor the beach, but plants there also eat more CO2.

And by sudden to the high reduction of CO2, we might face a difference where we might choke the plants who live around the globe, especially in the water and above sea level.

So reducing to a high standard at once if we got a speaker who would say, we must stop all production now. And if that happened, it would increase the level of our extinction.

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Chemicals. CO2 reduces our life on the planet, and the production of things produces CO2, but I’m more worried about all other chemicals that we throw and make use of as more pollutive.

Even disposal released upon junkyards; Where the chemicals flow to the drain of the water flow around the cities. The garbage industry also burns the chemicals increasing all levels of toxins in the air, which in some cases increase suffocation to people and the earth’s soil.

If we continued at this level, even the ocean would die, as the reefs around Gibraltar did now; they died just yesterday, and it was too late to save the sea. It was indeed the contamination by all chemicals in total, even oil, to even sulfur to even all plastic.

Microplastic perhaps? Did you know you should at least put a filter in the washing machine? All of your clothes release plastic since they are all made out of plastic.

Garbage. You wouldn’t believe how many computers and telephones we throw; most are just polluting the earth because we burn them or crush them to dispose of them anywhere. Rain collects erosion and creates disposals toxic to the earth’s soil. Burning all of it will create certain levels of toxins, so this might as well be the end of the reefs if we follow the same tempo as yesterday. All have it matters for how it goes.

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Do something, do care about nature! It is by taking care of your sick friends who do only pollute. Tell them the right thing to do, and they will often do the right thing!

You then would read all my other books adventures in the land of the Kingdom.
Different paths, all of them going somewhere else.
The sneek sneakers The regulators:, all the right books, made for you to stumble upon.
But they regulate the mind, the mental illness thorn apart.
All books and hopes of other music fresh cool like a flame!


The greatest movement will be done by vocalization of the great knowledge one can get. Musical interest in unknown artists is so low that most fail being them.

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