When we are basic, we are basic, simple enough. I hate ASIC makes me acid, like Tracid against.
While being who I am, I am not who else I could be, but I believe that who else you are, you are?.
Not basic as they are. Tho who take away your dreams can’t sleep because they don’t sleep for anything other than breaking dreams. And when they don’t sleep? They use something called the essence of life β taking away your path with something clean as a muse. But then they don’t seem abusive.
The abusive power withstands being different or differential or even something most want.
That is why many of the same Basic, as you can believe, take you for granted and use you as something to study. Something to bother to make for themselves as an option of difference.
When you realize you aren’t the ace, others come very late and complain about your daemonic paths in your life. Since who is indifferent isn’t different.
And then they who are different are to be blamed or put into daily sleep in a mental society β then forced to eat scraps of yesterday and tend to be themselves in a demonic spender of time, without anything else revoking reality.
So blame who to blame, the basic.
The Basic is an ASIC, Bitcoin. Society nevertheless uses power or scrutiny of nothing. Lame systems of brutal masses and asses. The evident waste of electricity!
Who to blame, yourself? No, it’s the one who made it possible for those who couldn’t oppose him, those who couldn’t change his mindset towards it because the blame was even the reef or the drink that could take them beyond themselves.
Even that was a choice of the essential elements of making possible ways of life out of the basic. But still, they couldn’t relieve it for just one moment; it was always until the money took an end. Then the end of that came, so the precedence could never come out of the outfall of that.
The basic as it is, 256 bit or 16 bit? Well, you wouldn’t want to make it out with someone basic? They would ruin your life, or they would put you into basic? That wouldn’t be as beautiful as basic would be. But then it would turnaround your life into being abusive with the power of the money, towards that you are a prisoner of the kind.
These days we often hear the people who aren’t welcome, but they welcome their path to the tenderness of nothing. They oppose the people who are not like themselves.
So they would never tend to attack you unless your meanings make their living better. Until then, they use you like a magnet to themself. And until then, they use your ideas themselves and never tell who made you the day. Then they make your help their own help, never mentioning your help had helped them.
So it wouldn’t be more than after October 2018 that the girl stopped eating meat because someone filled her with dirt, and the drinking didn’t even prevent her illness from going away. I couldn’t then mention what and who told her that.
That is what life calls basic to the bone. Since you do want to make it as your own travel, not mentioning who made you real the flesh, who could live longer in the depress of your husband, even finally took the day. If you don’t tell who to blame for the good, you have your own problems. It is making a curse on others.
But that wouldn’t always be as planned for a basic change to being the Tracid. Even I wouldn’t complain about doing the right. Not all are given to do the right, given life settings.
There are more important things to life than putting a curse on others, so the basic would leave without being others not basic anymore. Fame is to blame, then putting me up on the hill would raise the daemon above his head and put me in hell.
So let me tell you a story. I wasn’t always honest about my life; neither am I that now. But things aren’t as you think they are; you have to abolish all that you’ve learned since this story is to tell what to remove and not what to hold anymore.
As they built Rome, they made all the roads with irrigation. It means the water would turn down to the side. If they build the streets as they do with asphalt, they will not drain out to the sides, making them rotten in the middle of the wide.
So, there is an idea to make the plastic of 1cm or even make the roads as Hitler once did in Germany with concrete. Someone can also do that by collecting the co2 from the coal companies.
Someone could also make this co2 into co2bags. Where you compress the O2 out of the C., it would evaporate the o2 if it was at a higher level than making the c colder. Fast heating and fast cold would make a white powder out of the clouds.
The whole idea is to make a cord of silver, connect it through an entire round drum, and then put electrify into it, and you make CO2 into C and o2. So it isn’t wholly wrong? Well, it might be true?
The 1cm of plastic could be layered and easily replaced if torn too much by the cars driving upon it. Before, it then would be made as plates or rolled out.
Archimedes made a perfect screw to drill out the oil or the water? Well, it was the water that he drilled out. But for oil, it was different β hidden secrets of yesterday.
Waterfall always falls! But why build one watermill when you can create tens of dams or watermills after another? It needs to accelerate to the proportion of the water of how much weight its original stream presses it.
Water is the electrode touching other electrodes, meaning that water finds the most complex way to travel, and electricity is the opposite as easy.
Did you know that you could make a lantern with the light from the moon where you could make light in the streets? If you just used the suitable types of lenses in the lamp?
With one laser, you could light up all the streets, but you will have to protect the light from being not thrown into the eyes of the people. You could laser up very much with the right lenses and magnification, and it does not cost more even than a lead. But the laser is powerful by its power since it only lights up one spot.
One day it will be no more oil, no more medicine, so who makes the medicine? Well, we need the medicine of tomorrow, which means what you will find at the end of the road, can be treated as medicine for a cold.
So you will have to get paper since the printer will not have more than what it should have. Then you can blame the basic man for creating something that someone couldn’t refill. He wanted you to buy a cartridge to fill it up with all the costs to produce that.
And then you will need to make a pencil which some can make out of carved wood. That’s why it’s hard to make. But comfortable made, you don’t need to wait for the wood to come from South America since they will never sell it to you.
Maybe Blaise Pascal did make a proper division out of numbers? Well, since when your calculator makes a finding by multiplying the number of your divided answer? It takes your calculator zero worth. Since 2.02 / 1.01 is not 2! And when you want to take away one whole? 2.02, you still want to take away 0.01 of the whole, so the answer to that then lies like this:
2.02 / 1.01 = 2.02 – 2.02 – 0.0202 = 1.9998
That is because 2 of 2 people want 0.02 part as well, and 1 of 1 people still wants 0.01 part. So you have to share that likewise. So two parts get less, and 1 part gets more. That is like taking away more parts from 2 and giving less to 1.
Did you know the day isn’t as it should have been? When the day is the day, it is longer, and when the night is the night, it is longer? Or different proportions out of the day and the night?
Think for yourself. So 100% south in Oslofjord is midnight o clock at 100% south. But the real thing is that the clock during the working hours does work slower by 5 seconds per minute, and in the evening, it’s 5 seconds faster? Well, to let you work twice as much? It’s very lucrative anywhere you work.
With Archimedes’s experiments, why did the titanic sink? Yet because the water around was more like it is not today. IT was without sea salt since the water around was with melting ice.
And then the ship was longer down. IF they emptied the boat, the boat would not sink in total? No, it probably was because they devaluated the ship into being sinkable. Since after production, it was sinkable. And they made two identical identic versions of Titanic.
But through Archimedes’s experiments, if the baseball rockets were longer and thinner, the hit would go two times home run. It’s up to you to make a more miniature bat.
Eratosthenes did not measure the world right. It should, by his rules, be much longer or shorter? it should been 785 / 7,14285285285285 “285” eternal * 360
That means the world is growing each day. Since today it’s bigger?
Since each second, it is getting 0.00000001 bigger? How big is it today? When did he measure that just 1700 years ago? At least a million years before, it was even much, much smaller. The oceanic plates make it bigger, cosmic powder, and the magnification of Carbon in the ground.
How can you measure 7//1/7? That is the tip of the day. When the sun is in two directions opposite the center’s longest altitude, pointing 785 kilometers out of the middle, when that is 785 from the center. This means it should be today 7.137857857857 “785” 785 eternal.
Then we are talking about constant power in our time. He said at his time that the earth was 39564km long in the year 300 after Christ.
Now today, they say it is longer than 40000km. And it is how they measured the proper meter 1 millionth of the fourth of that. But today it’s nearly 1 cm too long on some meter meters.
Watch what you have your hands with! The meter is just when the water is in a cylinder of the proper measure around. So you can measure 1 meter long at the right measurement if it’s specific to one particular size at ground zero of water. And it should be by the first measurements.
Did you know that the longer down you get into the earth, the more iron you find if it’s more above?
That is why Gilbert, with magnetism and his discoveries, was telling. But he was almost right where he was. Then a change came to the newer types of developments. They were all hidden with their discoveries as the opposite.
These were Galilei. Telling us that acceleration is constant. Yes, in the space it is. But not on our planet. The acceleration can be divided using the specific Shang heng seismoscope since it isn’t available at the resonance peak, different from the day tonight.
The acceleration is changed from time to time. Since even the gravitation on our earth is not constant, it differs between heating and cold.
The difference is microscopic upon if the thing is bigger or smaller. But in length, a minor thing will use the shorter time to fall since it is lower to prevent the anti-gravity.
And the bigger the idea is, the longer it will take for it to fall, in space though as well. But on our planet, the smaller thing will use even time specific of being at a shorter time to land.
You might all have thought the opposite of Galileo. But in the end, he hated that, so he made us all basic, to consider not the opposite. He was the utilitarian magician to fool our planet with his thoughts that things would fall or fall upon us.
Or was that from a smaller child’s deep thoughts taken out, and Galilei never existed?
And we all were created in the desert in some closer time before? There were no trees shorter than 1800. And did we live our time before that?
But why does Bohemian Rapsody want to scare Galileo?
The acceleration upon sunlight? Well, it is constant. But if you put it through a prism, the light will start to accelerate again. Meaning it will try to hit a new faster position upon it is.
A thing as light well. It can use more extended time to accelerate to the full after being cut down to minimal. So light can be entirely trying to accelerate and accelerate and hopefully hit a higher level than possible to measure?
Does it mean maybe all the stars can talk to us in morse code? But no one is trying to follow up on the color changes? Perhaps they send us colorful meaningful messages when we connect to the unusual data transfer?
Well, it began then after then, the basics came to life. We didn’t want to think differently or do differently have critical thinking. We stayed in being possessed, doing nothing.
And then pretending we did differently. Until the relativeness hits our face. We deem ourselves in what others do. We do not change or want to change. But we should change daily. And with power, we should do that.
Then it was me when I did see the devil’s path in our life; it started in 2001 and 2003 and 2005 and 2007, and then again in 2012, he came back and back until he died. Since then, we pleasure ourselves with what he made and made us not think about others how we should.
Try not to think of others as wrong. Take them as dreamers, and possibilities will come. Come to yourself and others. Their thoughts on you are for the better. But are you willing to listen?
As necessary, you abide; they are different or worse than you are. You stick to being offensive to thoughts or others and making yourself an enemy or worse. Give others the chance to create or make your life better unless it will put a curse on those who seek their dreams and make big money sacks.
Realize it is our time. Who do you want to be? Or do you not want to be? Well, if you give 10.000 grand to your friend or take his belonging and want more? Where does that hit us?
Or you pressure them to do filth on another day. Or even buy the pleasure for little money. Since basic buy shit. And buy that and that, making others complain about that.
When we talk about how the anti-gravity machine could be made? Well, we have to dig, dig down to the bottom of the earth. And then we will find iron magnets which in force can turn the ship flying up to heaven.
If we only did foresee that. Well, an anti-gravity machine can’t easily make it that way. But when you cut a magnet in the middle, will it fly up or down?
Now fly up to don’t be that one is basic. The more basic you will operate when the poles change the tide. And then you will fly away while most keep their heads down or grab a tree.
Where shall we fly? To the acknowledgment of some few, make that music a move to make that concert a true. Make others come with possibilities; there is more to show.
And we have around 9.999 times more things to make our dreams realized. Give the people who make money. Make money a happening of items you want your society to be, and then it will be.
Must be written on all printers? By Dealazer!
These days, all the dirt comes out of the oil rigs? When they wash their hands, they release all the oil into the sea?
And when Torricelli wants you to use quicksilver, you release it into the water?
Since what is better than quicksilver? That is, of course, water! But water is times bigger than some quicksilver and does not always work correctly. So you have to invent anti-pressure on water. This means you need to use the vacuum on water. I don’t have the complete solution, as I always said.

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Know you’re right when you can make a barometer out of the water! Since you mostly need quicksilver. And they often sell you the medicine with some quicksilver when the barometers blow up in their production.
Blaise Pascal did make it wrong since a barrel will blow if you find the weakest part of the barrel, even if it’s filled. So the pressure is equal until the lesser strengthened part goes to hell.
That we did know with the planes from France.
And once cylinder canister never blows?
Gass will explode easier in a cylinder canister.
It will explode as soon as it can extend out of its origin into some gas.
So Boyles’s law is wrong, as well as Newton’s laws. While Boyles’s law says that the pressure is constant, it isn’t; it goes up as fast as possible until the pressure can be apprehended.
The volume extends as soon as the volume can’t handle the pressure. So in a bottle, you can increase the strength until it’s possible. But in a can, you can’t?
Descartes had it wrong as well! Since the rainbow will come to you when the sun is at the same range to bend in the middle of the rain. Not the raindrops. aNd it is only when the fog is high enough in between the drops. Since the drops do only bend to the high altitude. I don’t fully know if I’m writing right, but it’s gods words.
But by Descartes, all window mirrors had small glasses. They will use a more prolonged time to be so someone with light unless the light is longer or the glass is longer. So it will go 90 degrees right. Or 45 degrees left.
If the center is a center, it will always be the center. So a ball has 360 degrees. And when sending sunshine into a drop or ball, it will bend all ways. So all see the rainbow when one sees.
But who does see it best? Well, proportionally, those who see it. And that is when the sunshine is from behind the rainbow. At most, up to max 90 degrees. but best from 45 degrees?’
But Blaise Pascal didn’t live long-only, from 1623 to 1662. But he was from the future? I can’t say different than if he got a cold; that must be the black plague. Unfortunate for him, maybe he was the source? FOr, his science wasn’t wrong. Since he could not use the next 40 years to rewrite his works, he was imprisoned by the time travelers.
So I didn’t travel through space. I went through the area. And all I saw was sorrow. I tried for all years to better my days. But all I wanted to be a pity release.
Release out of the hospital, not the tending place of psychiatry. So I could play my notes in bars. In big bars. And the bars were higher than my notes, so I invented the lost song of breaking point. I hope that one helped me.
The book’s basic breaking point.
I wanted to have a girl who would tend to me, who could be together with me on the hard days. Who could sing with me on my journey?
She and I a king and queen. Eternity was one sacred promise I could make. So I named her the marry. Marry me so we can always be together. I didn’t want a natural way; I wanted the hard way.
So I tried to get my germs away from myself so no one could affect me having a girl. I tried to be immune. But the pornographer just went on and on bad for me. So I decided never to watch it. But then again, her rose perfume wanted me more. I hate roses and perfumes.
They stink like shit; yeah, they make germs come out. But that is a good thing. The bad is how it all went across where I never was caught handed on my dick. Never got handed. Second hand I use, but it’s not the right one.
So who was he? Well, as I always told the traveler of space and time. Did see Shakespeare change his thoughts and carved stone lose their value. Until he closed the book of the past and captured satan so no one could travel back and forth, he was a diamond and went to the planet of the apes.
One-headed, he killed nearly the whole dog planet. But the entire cat planet. And then the apes are at us now. They are handling analog systems. So we have to warn them that the dogs are at their place now and have to get back.
But the diamond head? Who Ronald Reagan. Well, possibly if Simpsons was right, the Futurama must be right. Especially about presidents. Who do you vote for next time? A Robot or a diamond vase.
The diamond is all living, but would it be a good president the fourth time? It does not matter to me, but he is the government? Well, when Jesus gave the bottle of never thirst or be immortal, who got it.
Don’t put my life to the test. I already ate my thumb. So I’m not famous. But if I were, I could be.
The dog race is about to take out the day. Who is aware of it.
So check out Dealazer at hearthis.at/dealazer
Or check the Spotify to iTunes. Also, tidal is good. But beware wolfs of lousy quality as SoundCloud and youtube. I wanted to take it down. Maybe I will. The rest on here is the best quality. And the new released.
I worked each day. Day in, day out. And tweaked and updated each day all my songs for more than 2000 days. 2000 days of surrender. In the pitty of psychiatry.
So remember to do good.
Try not to pressure others. You do not have rights without good legal writing on that.
As well as don’t do injustice. Let people with official good power do justice and righteousness!
And bipolar is healed All!
Don’t eat meat and bread. Only salads and avoid sugar!
And bipolar heals with cysteine, lysine, Carnitine, and lecithin. Even Schizophrenia.
I believe that aluminum is healable for cancer. But I’m not sure. I tried to smoke that with cigarettes, had to take hard breaths, and it killed all my diseases. Maybe I have a tumor now, or I don’t even remember anything that I also told myself.
Perhaps the diet of nothing worked against cancer.
Since cancer dies, the immune system does not want to fight germs like mushrooms, parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
I had an HPV virus on my penis. But I killed it with soap.
I had a problem with my schizophrenia, but I treated it with knowledge. And I don’t have unexpected behavior anymore, so I’m not any more violent. Since all conversations end in no fight or beating, I can hardly be psychological and put you to sleep. But barely beating you up or anyone.
So for three years, I’ve been only dreaming of freedom. And my home place is in mjΓΈndalen. So I could take the position of being a coach. But before Ernie and pondus earn their place in society.
Since you know drugs and that I don’t use. That is why I’m so productive. That way, I don’t need to drug my life away. But sometimes I need it. Do you know why? Because the medicine they give me can give me lonesomeness in the brutal cage. And cage a man make him cage the drugs for himself. Let him be free and never see.
Area 51!
When you make life a beauty, you print out the things dirty.
Still, it isn’t what we should have told, but more and more realize it wasn’t heavy enough.
Still, we strive for the best, as opposed to the rest.
Time is flying, but we fight the beauty.
Taking it for granted, we bully them. Mentally locked up without giving them a chance.
Some would make a lie; some would make time fly. But most already are at that stage to change things to beauty. You know who. They who don’t tell lies. Those who do should be locked up are liars.
Who does not tell a lie? Are those who seek an honest lie to be told. Newton, Torricelli, and Blaise Pascal, all from the future, lived over 80 years? Why? Pascal 40 years. First 80? Things change!
We are the prisoners. They keep us here because they don’t want to know psychology.

Their games are dips and chips, MIPS. Dipsy DIPS and chippsy MIPS
They game to punish us with their games!
They keep us here in dungeons of prisons.
Take our dreams and use them for theirs!
If you don’t release one of us chosen to be published, all plans will fail. Until then, your ideas will diminish.
You will be the blame. You are the blame until then!.
You have to change yourself in another way.
A society where millions are to blame.
You have to make sure they fill these dungeons where they are β the real ones which someone should punish. The 15.000 soldiers in Yemen were caught using guns on others. The old iSis!
Someone should welcome them for the next hours. Or less, there will be sanctions more significant than they are, and we are hoping this will go smooth. They are welcomed to their new prisons with hopes and dreams to achieve. Now they need to work.
This means those who want a place should get a spot. This means that the doors are open. For people to l,f, go or stay as the psychologist or treater at these places.
The sanctions are as follows:
Some dead each hour. The children last or dead as waste as their children will be gone. Not others. This means that there will be more sanctions unless they don’t release this.
But at last, all of you are dead, and we are together only those who should live at last.
This means your chances are diminishing. Don’t blame me; blame God.
God made it genuinely possible; why not see this as likely? When it is! He chooses the choices for you all. Be or be not.
Don’t do or do. bE or be not. Allow or never allow, then never more allow to disallow.
Release the prisoners or face death on mars!
Thanks, Dealazer!
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