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Short Book of Storytelling – Back to the Future 2155 – Time Travel Revelealed – Wicked Chaos Master

It is a small tale, but not that small one, but a big one!

If you read further you might discover something kinda strange and odd. But it’s a big carousel anyway. Circus has come to town to evolve your future another time. Still unmade things tend to come, and the wrath has been killed in 2002 when the devil died in another dimension trying to steal a poor soul who knew by that time to use his illusional knife, so the devil couldn’t find the way back home, eventually ending up hungry where he was.

In 2012 this picture occurred on YouTube from the future of 2016;
You might think about what happened back then in their time of 2016? Look closely at the below image and see the sings letters CIRCUS.

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There were many prominent politicians, as well as the guy in the center of the picture. By providing you with this information; This guy is a friend of mine. He is a political prisoner in the Norwegian psychiatric system. But as well he is some kind of person who would be turned into the wrath otherwise. Remember that people often got into systems that crush them because of their future beliefs or being someone in the future more prominent. Time travelers would have changed the faith of those.

feaured quote

From time to time, I did hear them mention the people there in the psychiatric ward as more likely prisoners, Their prisoners. They are the prisoners. Since they could become exciting politicians if they weren’t imprisoned, but that’s an unfortunate situation since they take away dreams with the anti-psychotics.

They kill the third eye if you are not careful to look at the type of medicine. And foolishly heal people because they want them to be healthy through the use of their medicine. And the only best thing to help is to eat and not drink or eat contaminated meat or water. Which inhibits so for the say often illness of mental disorder. And thus then if you would need to get away. You need to surely find a solution on your own.

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You might not know what the actual time travel program did to that future. It went into Big Bang, and as they traveled out of that then their future would then eventually end with this time, where such problems occur in different versions and ways, and proportions. While you destroy the future you create a new future from your time.

But when that was their future? It was to such an extent to know full of life, more joy to the people, like more Circus events in their time of being.

You might wonder what happened. But it anyway went to the point of the time travel program was fully operational. And was performed in our time. We can know this specifically by the plenty of people who should have become someone important. Becoming the worst of them all. Some might already have died. But the fight for the throne was for long done by idiots. Idiots in power who couldn’t win the race rather than pollute the world.

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In our precious time, there is still this threat to the time travel program. Let us hope God will allow us to prevent that, or it has already been done.

So, when they traveled back to our time from their time. Time travelers had with themself computers of different proportions. Some of which are also available to your self as to get. Perhaps old types of Acer computers even with 1. st generation processors. These had by their networks disabled the processor for about 90% of its real power. The programmed system was quite easy to look at, but if you tried to put the 10% into 100% blue screen would occur.

It was also that to believe it had 7th Generation Graphic Cards Nvidia on the systems. Today’s graphics cards were to process only Bitcoin. And were removed the options that were real VR or better quality feel of the graphics might give us. That went off with the Voodoo 4. And it was a big lawsuit in 2000 for that with Nvidia.

in post quote

In today’s society, we have plenty of these supercomputers. But we are not aware of their specialty.

Some of the systems we see today are being either disabled or overrun by different proportions on these computers.

Like perhaps you would load “Gandalf Windows 8 Pe” on the USB drive. The boot.wim and install.wim would be replaced as soon as you boot it up. As if there might be a big hard drive in the memory that replaces these files on many different systems.

But again, when that happens, things start to be frankly blocked. You might give risk your computer denying further boot up with USB.

And then, at some point where I was working on certain things. My belief was RAM has the available capacity for up to 16TB. That is why Bill Gates thought 640kb was enough. And even Atari had their floppy drives up to 32Mb by the use of 720kb.

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But when different systems are to be believed, they never come back to normal tendencies. The government as well initiated something as a PEX system. That is the system behind HEX. That is as well a system behind the operation. That means that small code in the Unicode can override a Linux installation, even because of written data behind any text. I’ve seen that scrolling down upon specific cryptographic public keys on some keyservers, whereas to believe the code would alarm intrusion. This is easy to replicate on long public keys and has xxx filled out in the middle. But if you scroll slowly it will not reveal the contents.

Next time you perhaps don’t write your Linux by copying & pasting the source code. That is sometimes not easy to find out. But you see it with specific PGP codes. Imagine if you were in a country like these times, if you need security you need a programmer who can do the OS for you from scratch without copying and pasting. And then maybe surveillance isn’t possible. There are reasons why Microsoft and other corporations want surveillance they are afraid of what is happening to you or society. The other part is agents who gain access to different proportions to steal your assets.

These also have backspace codes. So with 4000kb system code, it can only then show 2000kb code. Check your computer when it says it is 500kb and the used space is 512kb. Check that on TOS 4 with Atari. That is why there is a hacked Falcon Atari off the system. And all the atari’s out now are fake, and they earn big money off that. The original Atari had an 88880 processor. And its name was as well under my belief Atari twelve hundred.

quote on Buddha

The things about this system are traceable on different types of programming to the registry in Windows.

Actually then, when you start your computer booted up with some battery pins removed. You can eventually boot up a different Windows 7 installation based on the use of FN+Esc, but as well, then you will have the capability to install a system called “EMS-Enabled,” which in that proportion can safely copy your whole 225Gb drive onto a DVD. That means if you enabled the Shadow Copy system in Windows 7. Trying to turn off the computer while the initiation of the process is ongoing will end in Blue Screen that turns off when the process, when processed onto Shadow copy to the DVD, has been done,

The test can be performed with junk loaded to the hard drive. And is well then wiped out, and eventually comes back after a secure backup recovery has been processing initiated. Thus a simple application with even no signature might remove this capability in your system. So you can’t trust anybody in this game. But what computer can you do that on? 1st generation Intel Processor and using many tests that aren’t easily available. Using the FN+F5 will somehow reset the system info. And you have to format UDF for further getting into a well-wiped drive to be able to install EMS Enabled since that option shows once. But yeah, one of your battery pins needs to be removed.

There is the belief that newer system does not have reverse-engineered systems from aliens in space. The belief is also that maybe the whole world is controlled by certain computers specific of being quantum computers. Since when you edit a music file, it can end up being replaced everywhere if the quality has increased in value. Hence the idea that all sound is recorded on cassettes with magnetic tapes of million to billion long.

quote falling down is an accident staying down is your choice

I don’t think that it all has to do something with the EMS system of the installation on the computer. But it is initiated while you have replaced the bios with more current types older and especially leaked versions. And is well hard to get. But when you launch the system, most likely a very long process for the windows seven loading process of the icon to occur while booted upon installation. You might then maybe know it’s the right type of install if it’s very different and has no errors of icon loading.

The other facts about the future space travel program might be well focused on the Trance music that occurred nearly more likely in the years before 2000. These tracks were well done. As a matter of that, they should have made in proportions of the system hardware music. These tracks were more sophisticated. And during that time, there was no program to make tracks based on their digital way. There were no types of automated applications.

But Fruityloops was already done at the beginning of 2000, with proportions where artists could make their music a position of digital art. So belief is that if you make a track today, it will be taken back to the past if it is under the means specification of making a track unto knowing and deliberately making it as you heard it. Maybe then you’ll attend to make a similar track, which might get back to the future.

let them judge you quote

Even the thing about trance music, it was so long for a long time played live. Much of which, to some extent, no one could logically collect the tracks played at places like Digitally Imported to that great extent in the early years of trance music. Many paths are made onto belief to under such progress of being from a distant future or time. Many radios played ongoing good tracks for years after 1996. In 1996 the Hardcore types of Techno went out. And already in the year 1999. There was an overload of all music in the system to that extent.

When we come to our time and our belief in our time, certain things happened from time to time. Even the American Space program had certain levels of different proportions no one ever could imagine. A space vessel might have around 1969+ stolen by a man or a person most likely to be thrown in the belief of a tentacle of a master; his powers were enormous. He, as well, most likely, was a giant diamond-headed man. These people were the reason why things happened the way they did. At certain levels, this person might have controlled the world until late 2000 and might have traveled away to another planet in the universe. And we don’t know if he ruled that planet, or he himself was taken as a prisoner to tell from where he got. And maybe we’ll end up in a war with them or we find a peaceful solution altogether.

quote on how you should succeed in your work

Much of this is my own belief that I got when my head was around 41 degrees with a high fever being at a hospital in mid-2017 was near death and to this day I still have pains in my leg from the exploding leg of bacteria.

At that point, I had a strange view that I couldn’t easily explain, detail of what would come and what will happen, what might be in the future we live in, in short of a matter of time unless changes otherwise. The vision of the future I had back then was from a lamp in the room I had in the hospital. I did take a picture of it, but it was too the wrong camera to hit the jackpot of all the interesting image details.

Then after the vision, which I looked at for more than 12 hours. Blurry voices in my head did speak a different proportion as if it was a procedure to act towards the progress to maintain specific peace agreements and make peace with their own beliefs.

What I did see was a clear man, looking like a man who Tidy displayed in one of the strangest concerts:

When thinking back to that story that day. I had a belief that through all my years of adventure to find the truths of lifeβ€”that specific person, even from the depth of the past, when Jesus still was alive. The man “time-traveler” got some potion. There was written in the bible about a potion to give eternal life; this potion one witch did give to Jesus who sat around a well, and this was written in the book of Job.

It happened, though, but he who got that was also living eternally since that time by the potions. In proper means, it was given around and told in the Job chapters in the bible. And the other potion was never to thirst; that were the two essential potions no one ever spoke about in our time.

If so, Jesus could have been given the potion never to thirst as he never could die as he lived eternally, though maintained he could be by the life of existence in our world. Thus by having a specific life and being maintained from the start, his blood could be used to give eternal life to those who drink it, as each week on Sunday, the blood would be sufficient to maintain eternal life to those who drank it.

quote do what is right not what is easy

But again, when that happened, things went different, and after years, he may have been all the writers or even painters of the world that we all know well. He who lived eternally since Jesus’s time, and maybe he changed his mind at the very end, some believe he married a Chinese woman.

“But the plan was to take the Dog race to attack the Cat race. Then the big idea was to overthrow the Ape race. Then the Ape race was heading towards us. Maybe so Apes could fight against us. But the Dog race is on its way to the Ape race. And that is something that can bother us. So we will fight against the Apes. Since the planet of the Apes is around us in the universe.”

So let’s give it a short introduction to a movie scene:

There were no aliens!
But there was a dog race.
And a cat race
And the dog race had its diamond-headed ruler.
The dogs destroyed the cat race!
The ape race had the same diamond ruler.

Chaos Master, who planned to send an analog ape race at us!

While dogs aimed at apes planet!

Communicated with the apes?

Then send back the apes?

Lasers against advanced projectiles we have.

The understanding of what Chaos Master did to the universe! Fighting away races!

People from the future of 2155 came to warn us about the case.

The story will be about Chaos Master, who played a game against our minds, and beliefs making us not believe in the truth. Where people perform satanic rituals.

And only one man was there to save them all by telling them what would happen. What to do is to change the future by accepting that the Apes would communicate and not open fire, so they use their lasers against the people of earth. Then they rather would travel back to defend themselves against the dogs.

Quote about life and property
Always keep a piece of yourself for yourself. That’s not selfish, that’s survival

Then with the power they could with as well have true love, and understand that they were as well demonized by the Chaos Master, who did live since the time of Jesus. And was the only one to be known for all their adventures of paintings and discoveries and all laws and positions of life to rule it against by that people didn’t learn the opposite of the actual truth.

So you might want to know more about this tale about the dog and the cat race?


The greatest movement will be done by vocalization of the great knowledge one can get. Musical interest in unknown artists is so low that most fail being them.

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One thought on “Short Book of Storytelling – Back to the Future 2155 – Time Travel Revelealed – Wicked Chaos Master

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