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Short Book of Storytelling – Back to the Future 2155 – Time Travel Revelealed – Wicked Chaos Master

It is a small tale, but not that small one, but a big one! If you read further you might discover something kinda strange and odd. But it’s a big carousel anyway. Circus has come to town to evolve your future another time. Still unmade things tend to come, and the wrath has been killed in 2002 when the devil died in another dimension trying to steal a poor soul who knew by that time to use his illusional knife, so…

Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…

DEA Lazer & Andy – Supershow – The Sneek Sneakers The Regulators & The Loop Loopers

Welcome to my website first of all as you are presented with unique content of the writings about certain content for the betterment and raising people so they truly can become great talents of life. This is to entertain you as well as proceed with comedic for your life. Enjoy the moments you owe them the movements. A new episode of the show is out now! Episode 3! You might find a link here to all of these episodes or at…
