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Banana Peels Yummi – D-Vitamins & Serotonine & Magnesium

I remember having low D-Vitamin levels, and my life was terrible. My whole life stank, until my step to eating a Banana peel just for the test, I escaped the deep dungeon of real life. But then I discovered eating Banana Peels with a great discovery, and I’ve only sat left eating the machine of the Banana little to base taste, but that was the same as the heart of the Banana! But the whole adventure about that is eating underneath…

The cure to Schizophrenia – Research & Procedures – Medicine to save our life

To cure Schizophrenia isn’t simple. But in fact, it’s a deadly immunology disease while the brain’s immune system has overreacted by being immune system activated. To heal Schizophrenia, you need to counteract this science Karolinska Institute has been for years studying. And it’s not simple. Like perhaps for a few is to smoke weed with anti-bacterial and fungus properties. But in the long run, it would not give optimal treatment as even anti-biotics could do. Since your mental illness inevitably comes…
