Found Alien Book – Unique Chance to See Something Some Hide

Edit 2020 – June 17th. The book has been flagged on windows, and you cannot extract it from the zip file. See for yourself. It would help if you had at least 7zip, but you can’t even extract it either there unless you edit. Time Travelers left it anyway here. Found a folder I’ve had created. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst The Holy book of 63MB is nearly 64MB! Install…

DEA Lazer & Andy – Supershow – The Sneek Sneakers The Regulators & The Loop Loopers

Welcome to my website first of all as you are presented with unique content of the writings about certain content for the betterment and raising people so they truly can become great talents of life. This is to entertain you as well as proceed with comedic for your life. Enjoy the moments you owe them the movements. A new episode of the show is out now! Episode 3! You might find a link here to all of these episodes or at…

Poem: Sometimes Love hurt

Sometimes Love hurt Sometimes love hurts When sometimes somebody leaves love for some other love, it’s the main reason why love hurts because it doesn’t start. It gave me reasons to look another way and have fate in love to be loved, they told me that they would be together forever in love that grooved, but they found the exit easier than to exist together forever. love hurts, what do we get to do to make the love be loved whenever.…

Story told:! Talk a Talk about Wrath! Doing the time, Eductation is needed! Future of time! It’s time! Satan Killed!

The psychiatric doctor that graduated from college with her funny look. Being a doctor of funny dumpster. She did not like to hear about some medicine I want to have to make me enjoy my life, like hell wrong about taking even drugs. She only wants to put me on medication “high values,” and these values are the problems. But in fact, Pherperazine and Quentiapin Depot tablets are the cure to Schizophrenia and the treatment I needed! Pherperazine “Trilafon” 108.2mg/ml each…

Viktor Schauberger – When water implodes it explodes, it might truly clean itself?

When we think of electricity it tries to catch it’s easiest way. It’s the totally opposite with water. These days no-one gets known for any of their grand discoveries so I would rather tell it and maybe let other person get away with telling it to the whole wide world exactly as I did. But yes, when water explodes as electricity explodes itself in water, water implodes. Water though does the opposite as exploding electricityΒ  and it’s like imploding itself. So…

By what way should Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies do to improve?

By all cryptocurrency and by Bitcoin, you will attain a probability to even at the ends of its journey, give a mere decreased level of income for the miners, making it in particular not entirely attractive as it would have been from the beginning. But as far now the increased rate as even with currencies like Pi, we encounter difference where miners are attaining a program like perhaps a coin where the mining operation is mere essential and does not need…

Do listen what you don’t need to do! Excuses – Gossip – Judge – Responsibility – Penalty – Excageration – Language – Negative!

These motivational propositions bring the word forth, and politicians will always lie, but to be the right person and have one religion, things aren’t learned only by them. Since you might suggest that it is mandatory in many ways to learn the proceeding in the video, somehow, people do not always tend to understand the essential things in life mainly; some go with the wind and disturb thousand of them. Still, if you can see your life differently into the future,…

I want more medication low dose! Hear how we can get people out of streets.

I need treatment! Everything is cool! But I don’t and need them, with my own feelings of life with my own medicine and all, I can survive with or without. The question is what I really now need. Anything would never happen since I use good medication, but it doesn’t give me that kick I need in life. Then addiction comes crawling upon me. It’s these as well, or nothing! Nothing in need. As in the face of change, there will…

Short book of Storytelling: The devil is dead!

Back in 2002 the day of mid-summer. I finally caught the moment and seized the opportunity to really have the guts that I’ve learned through a course of 5 years to finally see someone in the eyes and let him steal my soul, finally… I had that moment sitting in front of a wall, looking straight at the wall, using all my will to finally be able to see the dark. It was like darkness surrounding my eyes. It was imminent…

Short Book of Storytelling – Back to the Future 2155 – Time Travel Revelealed – Wicked Chaos Master

It is a small tale, but not that small one, but a big one! If you read further you might discover something kinda strange and odd. But it’s a big carousel anyway. Circus has come to town to evolve your future another time. Still unmade things tend to come, and the wrath has been killed in 2002 when the devil died in another dimension trying to steal a poor soul who knew by that time to use his illusional knife, so…

Knowledge: The History & The Perfect Muslim: Becoming a Better Person Understanding Gods Laws

What I’ve sought in Muslims isn’t the same as trying to find and explore non-believers to undo their wrongdoing. However, Muslims are strong in tomorrow’s rules with a strong belief in God. And they are less educated than most other religious partners, which makes being a Muslim slightly harder to master. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Still, Muslims are somehow entitled to much grief by proceeding by needing to have…

What I’ve think of the World of Today! Jihad and the holy war in your mind! Short Story!

What do I think? I think the world is just 1/3 of what we know, what we’ve seen, what we’ve been told. It’s just a matter of your courage to discover. It’s not simple, but it’s possible. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Try perhaps thinking of how you can find a route going from New Zealand to Chile? You won’t find any direction to even any other South American parts.…

Book – BASIC

When we are basic, we are basic, simple enough. I hate ASIC makes me acid, like Tracid against. While being who I am, I am not who else I could be, but I believe that who else you are, you are?. Not basic as they are. Tho who take away your dreams can’t sleep because they don’t sleep for anything other than breaking dreams. And when they don’t sleep? They use something called the essence of life β€” taking away your…

Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite – Unknown Military Science of Parasite Brain Malfunction Disorder

Writings about the Queen is just a hypothetical talk about the sewer ant parasite. What you understand does not mean it’s true. It can mean anything. But it’s more like a hypothesis on the Queen of illnesses. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite Joga As we might come to conclusions, there remain mysteries about the unbalance in the brain system. What causes these unbalanced, mainly described as…

Story about Bohemian Rhapsody – The Big Steal

Listen, I have a story to tell. It’s not little; it’s a tall tale. In 2015 I attended the use of a mixing DJ website where I could upload my remix. Indeed it all was about Bohemian Rhapsody. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst The fun about it is that the site owners remix it or mix it, don’t fully remember what site name, might have sold the product to the…

Multiple Sclerosis / Multippel sklerose (MS) – Hypothesises

When we talk about mental health problems, we might prefer to call them non-chronic if the brain has no physical damage. Such often calls it a mental problem as perhaps a wide range of diagnoses has made it possible. Let me refrain from this minor: Perhaps brain damage to speech and other impairments is caused by tissue damage inside the brain. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Maybe when the centers…
