The Reveals of the secret information about Psychiatric Treatment Pre. 2003
Sometimes a government wants to forget some information about the illest things done to humanity. Some people were earning a load of money not just because they needed it, but their greed put their fingers into psychiatry that fully was just out for profits. And maybe it still is. Somehow I was able to find the information available through the internet from some other place. But it’s all written in the Norwegian language, and somehow you still can get the information.…
Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite – Unknown Military Science of Parasite Brain Malfunction Disorder
Writings about the Queen is just a hypothetical talk about the sewer ant parasite. What you understand does not mean it’s true. It can mean anything. But it’s more like a hypothesis on the Queen of illnesses. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite Joga As we might come to conclusions, there remain mysteries about the unbalance in the brain system. What causes these unbalanced, mainly described as…
Schizophrenia Again & Again
Hegel described confusion as psychosis, which we know is Schizophrenia. The confusion disorder is the interleukin-6 and interleukin-1-beta, which degrade or at least confuse the dopamine system. “Karolinska Institute about interleukins and Schizophrenia.” Some people can become healed as soon as the immune system in the brain of Schizophrenia is disabled. The non-disabling means that Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Schizophrenia is just a problem that does impair people’s learning…
Little strange story – The life on the other side of Schizophrenia
I guess Gilde, the Norwegian meat producer, has a collection of HPV viruses in their salamis and other meat infection sources. I believe and guess. But that’s for a reason. The HPV virus “Human Pappillo Virus” does with many men who are not fully spectrum vaccinated, a vaccine that is something you do not get in Norway. Still, in Sweden, the virus forms several small white dots around the head of the penis. Again, it creates a penis that looks perverse…
Ultimate Limitless Pill Formula for Bipolar – MS – Schizophrenia – Parkinson’s – All Mental Illness? – By Dealazer
Now that this is about the pill, you might wonder how to make it. It isn’t easy to make, but it is easy to eat. And even get. Even buy at an affordable price. What advantage do you mostly get? It’s sleeplessness of 6 hours sleeping each day. You will feel better than medicine. You will feel more comfortable with being nothing as to being exhausted. It might be a history of sleeping too much. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ…
Shizz Ko Kock Boom Daraway – Short Story
And then I said to myself jungle where the written stories are written. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Much good, but still that is not the that away you know shizz ko kok bom da rawej and then shish koo koo kok kok da rawej and then you knew da ra wey believing that this isn’t fame shizz ko ko kok shiz ko ko kok. That dareway no what…
Breaking News Schizophrenia: Researchers have discovered the Genom of Immune System Deficiency
There is new research, and further research is wealth towards people with Schizophrenia! But it can have a different impact on indeed many more people out there β even the new news. But believe that there might be fake research on most particular medicines. You can’t even get the actual proposition to even drug-combination that could turn off the immune system in the brain. Indeed, drug companies do not fully want this to happen since their income comes first from the…
Bipolar & The Coolest Treatment Solution in our World
Based on different proportions, I discovered back in 2015 a set of usable proteins and fatty acids that truly remarkably treated one girl with my solution that I did know back then. She was either too high above the medicine she took, so they stopped feeding her with that. Then she was bottom down to the deepest you would ever believe. As if she had two different personalities. And she was indeed 100% Bipolar. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today!…
The cure to Schizophrenia – Research & Procedures – Medicine to save our life
To cure Schizophrenia isn’t simple. But in fact, it’s a deadly immunology disease while the brain’s immune system has overreacted by being immune system activated. To heal Schizophrenia, you need to counteract this science Karolinska Institute has been for years studying. And it’s not simple. Like perhaps for a few is to smoke weed with anti-bacterial and fungus properties. But in the long run, it would not give optimal treatment as even anti-biotics could do. Since your mental illness inevitably comes…
Story told:! Talk a Talk about Wrath! Doing the time, Eductation is needed! Future of time! It’s time! Satan Killed!
The psychiatric doctor that graduated from college with her funny look. Being a doctor of funny dumpster. She did not like to hear about some medicine I want to have to make me enjoy my life, like hell wrong about taking even drugs. She only wants to put me on medication “high values,” and these values are the problems. But in fact, Pherperazine and Quentiapin Depot tablets are the cure to Schizophrenia and the treatment I needed! Pherperazine “Trilafon” 108.2mg/ml each…