Found Alien Book – Unique Chance to See Something Some Hide

Edit 2020 – June 17th. The book has been flagged on windows, and you cannot extract it from the zip file. See for yourself. It would help if you had at least 7zip, but you can’t even extract it either there unless you edit. Time Travelers left it anyway here. Found a folder I’ve had created. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst The Holy book of 63MB is nearly 64MB! 1000’s…

Story told:! Talk a Talk about Wrath! Doing the time, Eductation is needed! Future of time! It’s time! Satan Killed!

The psychiatric doctor that graduated from college with her funny look. Being a doctor of funny dumpster. She did not like to hear about some medicine I want to have to make me enjoy my life, like hell wrong about taking even drugs. She only wants to put me on medication “high values,” and these values are the problems. But in fact, Pherperazine and Quentiapin Depot tablets are the cure to Schizophrenia and the treatment I needed! Pherperazine “Trilafon” 108.2mg/ml each…

New Videos of me Singing Live! Greatest Hits! Super Music Video of All! See them here!

Ultimate collection to share around! Unique vibe! Unique Feel and great music! DEA Lazer all on Youtube! Music 100% Freestyle Improvisement! Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst       SHARE SHARE SHARE!

The Reveals of the secret information about Psychiatric Treatment Pre. 2003

Sometimes a government wants to forget some information about the illest things done to humanity. Some people were earning a load of money not just because they needed it, but their greed put their fingers into psychiatry that fully was just out for profits. And maybe it still is. Somehow I was able to find the information available through the internet from some other place. But it’s all written in the Norwegian language, and somehow you still can get the information.…

Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite – Unknown Military Science of Parasite Brain Malfunction Disorder

Writings about the Queen is just a hypothetical talk about the sewer ant parasite. What you understand does not mean it’s true. It can mean anything. But it’s more like a hypothesis on the Queen of illnesses. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite Joga As we might come to conclusions, there remain mysteries about the unbalance in the brain system. What causes these unbalanced, mainly described as…

Talk with SpaceTravelers from Jupiter – Castles in the Sky – Future – MindTalk – Mind – Non-Aliens – Visitors – Help Them – Speak

I’ve released a particular project where you can talk with space travelers from Jupiter. These people are ready to speak with you, and they will do anything they can to convince you to do good and save the earth from mass hypnosis. That there are aliens from space. They warn you about Aliens in the water. It will be horrible to attack land. And there is a planet of Apes where they are heading towards us. Login & Share Earn 100.000…

Coins, coins, coins and their equal value in modern community

When this idea sparks around hefty, you’ll be able to use it as modern currency. It’s not easy to imagine the thing if you aren’t given the solution to this opportunity. Imagine that the whole world would love them and use them. Imagine how much you could get from this procedure when all is using it, and all banks do not much be more than the people who have chests full of them. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If…

Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…

Story: I’ve been locked up – The Hero Quest – Biggest Nutmeg Party

Seven agen bit that way, faraway whizz ko ko kok be karamnei. So the party began while my mind occupied the fest, that this non-social disabled text takes you to the parts that the voice is unclear towards stating that all this has been forsaken, those who know my deepest end, it’s like familiarise yourself with that artist. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst It’s the same that there is utmost…

Nokas Robbery the Parallel Universe Clairvoiance

What would the robbery behind the Mastermind David Toska be if it was not him who stole papers that had a valid date to even 1.1.2021? It could be worth on the paper 1000* what the actual amount they got away with. But who would not insist to have stolen the robbery the day before the robbery? Since the robbers were already known to rob Nokas the day after. So if someone would do to tell someone else about the robbery…

Aluminium – Live your day as it perhaps would be your last

Aluminum? World’s most feared metal. Not as all feared and filled with news about lies to get Alzheimer’s. Look, perhaps this is inherent wisdom? The research above does describe the intake as perhaps you would find here is only a few milligrams, not even 10mg. But the above study is explained by high-level information. Small input is often through food since it is often in nature, not as aluminum but as a mineral with lower aluminum value. Login & Share…
