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Dealazer Sytrus Presets – The Collection of 700 free presets

This is the cool collection of Dealazer Presets made through 5 years on the progression of Sytrus preset making. These presets were made through different aspects and thrown from FL 10 to FL 12 as presets. Remember, these preset have bad work on the envelopes for many of these presets; altering the envelopes might give better sound and better understand the sound for yourself to check out. Therefore you will most likely need to learn how to produce your own presets…

Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite – Unknown Military Science of Parasite Brain Malfunction Disorder

Writings about the Queen is just a hypothetical talk about the sewer ant parasite. What you understand does not mean it’s true. It can mean anything. But it’s more like a hypothesis on the Queen of illnesses. Sewer Bacteria Queen Parasite Joga As we might come to conclusions, there remain mysteries about the unbalance in the brain system. What causes these unbalanced, mainly described as ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Parkinsonism to Parkinson’s might turn the page in psychiatry to discovering the…

Conspire About Million Years In The Past- The Flintstones – Hollow Moon – Death Start – Crates – Nukes – Past – Dinosaurs

Maybe some years back, we would have watched people go skiing in the mountains when even lava would float around. Time Travelers, at least how things might look when you go some stages up in hills in Norway, perhaps around VardΓ₯sen. These strange paths are foretaken when you could see that these people were skiing on the mountain as if the stone had recorded their paths in a million old lava. Nevertheless, we are talking tiny about the moon; it’s probably…

Talk with SpaceTravelers from Jupiter – Castles in the Sky – Future – MindTalk – Mind – Non-Aliens – Visitors – Help Them – Speak

I’ve released a particular project where you can talk with space travelers from Jupiter. These people are ready to speak with you, and they will do anything they can to convince you to do good and save the earth from mass hypnosis. That there are aliens from space. They warn you about Aliens in the water. It will be horrible to attack land. And there is a planet of Apes where they are heading towards us. To fight us, and the…

Forensic Data Recovery HDD Drives to Diskettes – Updated 2024

Making a forensic data recovery of HD drives isn’t easy. Most don’t understand the particular value of their drives having become destroyed and how to make a recovery of them wisely is hard. If you want to find this tutorial again? Search Forensic Dealazer on the internet. Or perhaps dealazer music website. I’ve tried the rescue process on my 500GB drive with a little more punch to it as I was putting out the USB connector through one simple mini HDD…

Schizophrenia Again & Again

Hegel described confusion as psychosis, which we know is Schizophrenia. The confusion disorder is the interleukin-6 and interleukin-1-beta, which degrade or at least confuse the dopamine system. “Karolinska Institute about interleukins and Schizophrenia.” Some people can become healed as soon as the immune system in the brain of Schizophrenia is disabled. The non-disabling means that Schizophrenia is just a problem that does impair people’s learning of the facts of reality through paranoid versions, which cause unstable way of behavior where things…

Why did Trump lose his second term because of me? Whas it something special in behalf?

Some people don’t know how things were, and they obviously can’t count the little they have been doing for a long time, including myself. Since the featured image in this post? Hillary used? 30 million mail-in-ballots and lost? And Biden? 60 million? That was a good steal well done? They had to get the double to be sure they win? 50/50 have you ever wondered? Always that in American history of elections. But still 90%+ mail-in-ballots on one candidate? This is…

Why Trump won the Presidency because of me?

Dive into the mysterious clash of 2016β€”is a tale of hidden truths and a YouTube realm tainted by echoes of the Twin Towers’ demise. The enigma unfurls, with recordings morphing at the hands of a sitting President, Trump, who may hold secrets yet untold. The election was a seismic disturbance, but why was it a colossal gasp? Embark on a cosmic journey into the future of the USAβ€”envision Mars, a realm free of strife and where resources are cherished. Did you…

Coins, coins, coins and their equal value in modern community

When this idea sparks around hefty, you’ll be able to use it as modern currency. It’s not easy to imagine the thing if you aren’t given the solution to this opportunity. Imagine that the whole world would love them and use them. Imagine how much you could get from this procedure when all is using it, and all banks do not much be more than the people who have chests full of them. Indeed they would become the bank which has…

ABB still in hypnosis? Not the actual murderer? 22nd July

That there is this to tell, have you ever heard the actual case where Anders Behring Breivik, like him we call ABB, didn’t write the manifest? That writing was a stubborn copy of Unabomber. If ABB were who he said, he would use several years to perfect it. I believe 22th July 2010 was an inside job. Not only that ABB is set to a state of military grade hypnosis in which him still now is in. So calm so wonderful…

Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…

It was the oil rigs – Tsunamis – Japan, Indonesia and Thailand – Human Disaster

It was the oil rigs! Where the mass of the oil fell over the old oil. There would be measures to safe work this in Norway, but where greed holds the money, follow the money. We are talking about many dangerous places where a tsunami might arrive. Years after the Tsunamies we might understand why Statoil changed name to Equinor. Water which withdraws from the shore surely ends into a hole. Yeah folk! This the news don't tell and likes and…

Reprogramming How it is?

How to really reprogram yourself is by increasing the positive thinking to another dimension. It’s by perhaps positively acting upon how you confront things. But there are several steps to achieve things in life by watching something like this for about 15 minutes not to ask yourself too many questions but get them answered. Positive thinking can often be done by increasing the positive thoughts that often I myself taught by increasing the need to reprogram my mind by simply remapping…

Little strange story – The life on the other side of Schizophrenia

I guess Gilde, the Norwegian meat producer, has a collection of HPV viruses in their salamis and other meat infection sources. I believe and guess. But that’s for a reason. The HPV virus “Human Pappillo Virus” does with many men who are not fully spectrum vaccinated, a vaccine that is something you do not get in Norway. Still, in Sweden, the virus forms several small white dots around the head of the penis. Again, it creates a penis that looks perverse…

Story about Bohemian Rhapsody – The Big Steal

Listen, I have a story to tell. It’s not little; it’s a tall tale. In 2015 I attended the use of a mixing DJ website where I could upload my remix. Indeed it all was about Bohemian Rhapsody. The fun about it is that the site owners remix it or mix it, don’t fully remember what site name, might have sold the product to the record company who paid an outstanding sum to have hackers replacing files globally. You see, my…

Banana Peels Yummi – D-Vitamins & Serotonine & Magnesium

I remember having low D-Vitamin levels, and my life was terrible. My whole life stank, until my step to eating a Banana peel just for the test, I escaped the deep dungeon of real life. But then I discovered eating Banana Peels with a great discovery, and I’ve only sat left eating the machine of the Banana little to base taste, but that was the same as the heart of the Banana! But the whole adventure about that is eating underneath…

Motivational Quotes The Collection of 100’s by Dealazer Vol.1

I’ve often been on Twitter and posting all kinds of these Quotes. “The download is in between the two quoted photos.” But this collection I give for free with 100 of the best ones. This is possible to download as 100s in a zip file. And this is a good download. You will learn more than anyone, and maybe it will add to your Twitter for the better? Just download the file of 5Mb and push it into a folder called…

Ultimate Limitless Pill Formula for Bipolar – MS – Schizophrenia – Parkinson’s – All Mental Illness? – By Dealazer

Now that this is about the pill, you might wonder how to make it. It isn’t easy to make, but it is easy to eat. And even get. Even buy at an affordable price. What advantage do you mostly get? It’s sleeplessness of 6 hours sleeping each day. You will feel better than medicine. You will feel more comfortable with being nothing as to being exhausted. It might be a history of sleeping too much. Discovery Its properties were a simple…

Story: I’ve been locked up – The Hero Quest – Biggest Nutmeg Party

Seven agen bit that way, faraway whizz ko ko kok be karamnei. So the party began while my mind occupied the fest, that this non-social disabled text takes you to the parts that the voice is unclear towards stating that all this has been forsaken, those who know my deepest end, it’s like familiarise yourself with that artist. It’s the same that there is utmost noting to reside with towards the same ways. Sanity comes with great insanity. Like Jing, Yang’s…

Multiple Sclerosis / Multippel sklerose (MS) – Hypothesises

When we talk about mental health problems, we might prefer to call them non-chronic if the brain has no physical damage. Such often calls it a mental problem as perhaps a wide range of diagnoses has made it possible. Let me refrain from this minor: Perhaps brain damage to speech and other impairments is caused by tissue damage inside the brain. Maybe when the centers of the brain do not function appropriately by physical injury as we have with Parkinson’s, often…

Learn to Accept Yourself – The Behaviour Change?

Learning to become a better person, especially in psychiatry, isn’t an easy way out of the problems. Often it’s the environment of being still the same, being the same, doing the same. Then expecting any solution to do the same would be like putting flame on insanity. Towards the future, you might want to increase your fulfillment as a person and accept that you can do something while assuming you can’t do anything unless there is a helping hand out there…

Nokas Robbery the Parallel Universe Clairvoiance

What would the robbery behind the Mastermind David Toska be if it was not him who stole papers that had a valid date to even 1.1.2021? It could be worth on the paper 1000* what the actual amount they got away with. But who would not insist to have stolen the robbery the day before the robbery? Since the robbers were already known to rob Nokas the day after. So if someone would do to tell someone else about the robbery…

The sinking of Β«BlΓΌcherΒ»

From history, we know that there was one ship from the German forces that sunk around the night of April 8th, 1940 in Oslofjorden. What we don’t know is how they did sink that ship. Well, open-minded, you aren’t aware that a standard torpedo would not sink that powerful vessel. It might have been a whole different story if they posted about it in truth. Perhaps their latest equipment would disengage a torpedo. So BlΓΌcher was not a single easy target.…

Psychiatric treatment in the next 10 years, and also future psychosis

My Simple Case It is brutal how the system in Norway has been subject to laws and regulations that are not followed in the sense required. It made brutal mistakes on psychiatric patients in far too many years when you could barely breathe in how sick it was. How the laws are interpreted even within and outside the court; I have been on the judgment of compulsory psychiatric treatment for over twenty years when I startled a neighbor who nearly died…

Aluminium – Live your day as it perhaps would be your last

Aluminum? World’s most feared metal. Not as all feared and filled with news about lies to get Alzheimer’s. Look, perhaps this is inherent wisdom? https://www.winchesterhospital.org/health-library/article?id=164929 The research above does describe the intake as perhaps you would find here is only a few milligrams, not even 10mg. But the above study is explained by high-level information. Small input is often through food since it is often in nature, not as aluminum but as a mineral with lower aluminum value. Minerals Mineral healthy…