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Mental Mental – Music That Touched The Mental Illness

When someone is mental, there indeed are those who keep them away in dungeons and castles. These people often knew how it was in a place. But indeed, it was not the ill who was ill, those who used their time to earn money on the grind, where patients just became what they tried to become. But that’s life, and some know-how things end badly for those who did terribly. Karma has no menu, and you are served what you deserve.…

Story: I’ve been locked up – The Hero Quest – Biggest Nutmeg Party

Seven agen bit that way, faraway whizz ko ko kok be karamnei. So the party began while my mind occupied the fest, that this non-social disabled text takes you to the parts that the voice is unclear towards stating that all this has been forsaken, those who know my deepest end, it’s like familiarise yourself with that artist. It’s the same that there is utmost noting to reside with towards the same ways. Sanity comes with great insanity. Like Jing, Yang’s…

Shizz Ko Kock Boom Daraway – Short Story

And then I said to myself jungle dealazer.com where the written stories are written. Much good, but still that is not the that away you know shizz ko kok bom da rawej and then shish koo koo kok kok da rawej and then you knew da ra wey believing that this isn’t fame shizz ko ko kok shiz ko ko kok. That dareway no what I mean, down to the tellings of their own, everyone had stories… Thataway you know that…