Coronavirus for Dummies

Truth or false? Β  If you get the Vaccine, you are more able to infect others? If you are naturally vaccinated. OR perhaps use my vaccine? One cell of Corona. It’s free to produce with Norwegian Water and is super effective. Since you don’t die of one, but thousands or a hundred millions by just a sneeze. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst And yet vaccines do learn the immune system…

Modern Communism and Practices by DEA

Why should we seek a new type of governmental rule? Why it’s it is merely because Churchill once said, democracy is the best we can have now, but not the best in the future. He meant that communism wasn’t the further best. So by this, we open ourselves to try to attain a different course of governmental rule. Still, it has to survive either being abused, or governmental power would cause it never to exist, as it is with communism as…

Poem: Sometimes Love hurt

Sometimes Love hurt Sometimes love hurts When sometimes somebody leaves love for some other love, it’s the main reason why love hurts because it doesn’t start. It gave me reasons to look another way and have fate in love to be loved, they told me that they would be together forever in love that grooved, but they found the exit easier than to exist together forever. love hurts, what do we get to do to make the love be loved whenever.…

Story told:! Talk a Talk about Wrath! Doing the time, Eductation is needed! Future of time! It’s time! Satan Killed!

The psychiatric doctor that graduated from college with her funny look. Being a doctor of funny dumpster. She did not like to hear about some medicine I want to have to make me enjoy my life, like hell wrong about taking even drugs. She only wants to put me on medication “high values,” and these values are the problems. But in fact, Pherperazine and Quentiapin Depot tablets are the cure to Schizophrenia and the treatment I needed! Pherperazine “Trilafon” 108.2mg/ml each…

Short Book of Storytelling – Back to the Future 2155 – Time Travel Revelealed – Wicked Chaos Master

It is a small tale, but not that small one, but a big one! If you read further you might discover something kinda strange and odd. But it’s a big carousel anyway. Circus has come to town to evolve your future another time. Still unmade things tend to come, and the wrath has been killed in 2002 when the devil died in another dimension trying to steal a poor soul who knew by that time to use his illusional knife, so…

The Reveals of the secret information about Psychiatric Treatment Pre. 2003

Sometimes a government wants to forget some information about the illest things done to humanity. Some people were earning a load of money not just because they needed it, but their greed put their fingers into psychiatry that fully was just out for profits. And maybe it still is. Somehow I was able to find the information available through the internet from some other place. But it’s all written in the Norwegian language, and somehow you still can get the information.…

Timeless Travel of Randomness – Short Book of Storytelling

One random occurrence to the actual to fit unstable particle once in a lifetime, or billion to million still nevertheless anyhow eternal quest never possible? And never was possible? The actuality that we today have Cern as specialized equipment for particle collision. Somehow some of these techniques lay to the future respondent time travel bubble. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst The bubble is somehow more significant than the trouble it…

Story: I’ve been locked up – The Hero Quest – Biggest Nutmeg Party

Seven agen bit that way, faraway whizz ko ko kok be karamnei. So the party began while my mind occupied the fest, that this non-social disabled text takes you to the parts that the voice is unclear towards stating that all this has been forsaken, those who know my deepest end, it’s like familiarise yourself with that artist. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst It’s the same that there is utmost…

Aluminium – Live your day as it perhaps would be your last

Aluminum? World’s most feared metal. Not as all feared and filled with news about lies to get Alzheimer’s. Look, perhaps this is inherent wisdom? The research above does describe the intake as perhaps you would find here is only a few milligrams, not even 10mg. But the above study is explained by high-level information. Small input is often through food since it is often in nature, not as aluminum but as a mineral with lower aluminum value. Login & Share…
