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Wonder Music for The Lonesome People | Rapper | Wonder Stories & News | Talks show's | Time Traveller
When we think of electricity it tries to catch it’s easiest way. It’s the totally opposite with water. These days no-one gets known for any of their grand discoveries so I would rather tell it and maybe let other person get away with telling it to the whole wide world exactly as I did. But yes, when water explodes as electricity explodes itself in water, water implodes. Water though does the opposite as exploding electricity and it’s like imploding itself. So…
Ultimate collection to share around! Unique vibe! Unique Feel and great music! DEA Lazer all on Youtube! Music 100% Freestyle Improvisement! SHARE SHARE SHARE!
Maybe some years back, we would have watched people go skiing in the mountains when even lava would float around. Time Travelers, at least how things might look when you go some stages up in hills in Norway, perhaps around VardÃ¥sen. These strange paths are foretaken when you could see that these people were skiing on the mountain as if the stone had recorded their paths in a million old lava. Nevertheless, we are talking tiny about the moon; it’s probably…