Viktor Schauberger – When water implodes it explodes, it might truly clean itself?

When we think of electricity it tries to catch it’s easiest way. It’s the totally opposite with water. These days no-one gets known for any of their grand discoveries so I would rather tell it and maybe let other person get away with telling it to the whole wide world exactly as I did. But yes, when water explodes as electricity explodes itself in water, water implodes. Water though does the opposite as exploding electricity  and it’s like imploding itself. So…

It was the oil rigs – Tsunamis – Japan, Indonesia and Thailand – Human Disaster

It was the oil rigs! Where the mass of the oil fell over the old oil. There would be measures to safe work this in Norway, but where greed holds the money, follow the money. We are talking about many dangerous places where a tsunami might arrive. Years after the Tsunamies we might understand why Statoil changed name to Equinor. Water which withdraws from the shore surely ends into a hole. Yeah folk! This the news don't tell and likes and…
