ABB still in hypnosis? Not the actual murderer? 22nd July
That there is this to tell, have you ever heard the actual case where Anders Behring Breivik, like him we call ABB, didn’t write the manifest? That writing was a stubborn copy of Unabomber. If ABB were who he said, he would use several years to perfect it. I believe 22th July 2010 was an inside job. Not only that ABB is set to a state of military grade hypnosis in which him still now is in. So calm so wonderful…
It was the oil rigs – Tsunamis – Japan, Indonesia and Thailand – Human Disaster
It was the oil rigs! Where the mass of the oil fell over the old oil. There would be measures to safe work this in Norway, but where greed holds the money, follow the money. We are talking about many dangerous places where a tsunami might arrive. Years after the Tsunamies we might understand why Statoil changed name to Equinor. Water which withdraws from the shore surely ends into a hole. Yeah folk! This the news don't tell and likes and…
Story: I’ve been locked up – The Hero Quest – Biggest Nutmeg Party
Seven agen bit that way, faraway whizz ko ko kok be karamnei. So the party began while my mind occupied the fest, that this non-social disabled text takes you to the parts that the voice is unclear towards stating that all this has been forsaken, those who know my deepest end, it’s like familiarise yourself with that artist. Login & Share Earn 100.000 BTCMZ Today! If you want to share and earn points pleaseloginfirst It’s the same that there is utmost…
Short book of Storytelling: The devil is dead!
Back in 2002 the day of mid-summer. I finally caught the moment and seized the opportunity to really have the guts that I’ve learned through a course of 5 years to finally see someone in the eyes and let him steal my soul, finally… I had that moment sitting in front of a wall, looking straight at the wall, using all my will to finally be able to see the dark. It was like darkness surrounding my eyes. It was imminent…